
One of my favorite Nintendo Gamecube games was Luigi’s Mansion. When Mario mysteriously disappears in a haunted house, Luigi comes to his rescue and does some serious ghost busting. Well, that was nearly 20 years ago, and recently Luigi’s Mansion 3 came out, and you can bet I’m going to get it, but I must be patient. You see, at our house we post Christmas wish lists on the fridge around Halloween if not earlier, and if you put anything on the list you can’t buy it for yourself (those are the rules). I’m pretty sure Santa will bring me a copy, but in the mean time I’ll just admire this awesome sculpture by builder and Twitch streamer BrickinNick.

Plumbers On A Mission

I've played Mario and his brother in many of their adventures. The stand outs are Super Mario 64 and Luigi's Mansion of course, but there's been a lot of mischief these plumbers have gotten into. Interestingly enough, Mario actually started as a carpenter, and he only had a mustache because the limited pixel graphics of the age made it difficult to make faces. But even with the limited ABS voxels of today, builder 2 Much Caffeine managed to perfectly capture these two intrepid turtle stompers.

Brothers in brick