Countdown to the Semifinals: The Numbers of Bio-Cup 2022 Round 2

Round 2 of Bio-Cup 2022 has come to a close with 27 contestants participating. With only nine people remaining after this round, the competition is nearing its end. With these high stakes, everyone has been bringing their A-game trying to outdo each other for a place in the semifinals. But because of this, many talented builders were knocked out of this round. Each of the builders featured in this article is moving on to the semifinals—so make sure to check out all the entries because it will be well worth your time!

The theme this round was “numbers,” with each bracket being assigned a number 1 through 9 with no further direction or context. This brought out some very creative concepts and, as always, expert execution. So without further ado, let’s literally count down some of the amazing builds from Bio-Cup’s second round.


Starting with number nine, VelociJACKtor brings the album cover Holy Diver by DIO to life. He did not replicate it one for one, though, taking his own creative liberties by adding more of a fiery twist instead of water. The build is really well presented with the large dragon wings centralizing the focus on the smaller character seeking only to survive the grasp of the larger one.


Nothing more iconic than a powerful muscle car with that low rumble from a V8 engine under the hood. That's exactly where Ryan decided to take his build for the number 8, creating a wonderful one-wheeled vehicle powered by a V8 in a muscle car-inspired shell. Of course, every vehicle needs a driver, so we see an expressive character ready to speed down the highway—or just about to crash!


We see yet another expressive character build for number 7 by Brickolson, but this one doesn't drive a sweet ride but instead travels by foot. By using “Seven-League Boots” this postman can travel great distances very quickly, unless of course he steps on a banana peel! Luckily he was prepared for such an accident by wearing knee and elbow pads to help protect him from the fall. Being able to encapsulate such a story all in one picture really shows how important the little details and posing is for characters—and how good Brickolson is at doing both.


Taking a turn, or maybe a loop de loop, we find ourselves face-to-face with a fun-looking dinosaur rollercoaster from Ari. Well, maybe it’s a rollercoaster dinosaur… I'm not really sure exactly though either way it seems like a fun ride and an even more fun build! From the arching track along its back to the brightly colored flags, it really captures the theme park aesthetic, Dots bracelets and all.


From the chaos of a theme park to the tranquility and peace of a Japanese garden, Eero has created a wonderful character exploring the five elements of Japanese Buddhism. Earth, water, fire, wind, and void are all visualized in the pillar in front of the character. While the beautiful tree really sells the Japanese feel with the cherry blossom tree, the main character is spot on as always, being Eero's specialty, bringing the build to life with personality.


What may seem like one multi-eyed creature for the number 4 is instead four unique characters stacked on top of one another. The original concept by Ivan revolves around Hindu social classes, but I have always found smaller characters trying to pass as a larger one a fun concept no matter the reasoning. I love the expressiosn on each character, some looking goofy while others look more focused and serious.


Number 3 turned out to be a not-so-intense bracket because two of the three contestants ended up dropping out. Luckily MSEP still built a wonderful MOC for us to admire, taking the concept of “Judge, Jury, and Executioner” and turning them into characters. Each has its own defining features, with the judge wielding a hammer, the jury being a beast, and of course the executioner with its large ax on display for all to see. Each character also holds a scale to determine the innocence of those they judge.


Two bros, chillin in a hot tub” is an iconic line from a viral video that Max has reimagined in his own creative way. Instead of bros, though, it's frogs. Not only does Max nail the relaxed facial expressions on the frogs, but he also uses upside-down diamond elements to create a bubbling water effect.


To finish off our countdown we reach number 1, with Vohdoff's build inspired by the phrase “first place.” Will this foreshadow the final of Bio-Cup 2022? You'll have to wait and see. It's at least fitting for this bracket because it won Vohdoff a spot in the semifinals, and rightfully so. With a smooth powerful-looking motorcycle and an expert driver, the name First Place fits perfectly.


The Bio-Cup semifinals are next, so I can’t wait to see what comes next from all of these talented builders. Stay tuned for our next recap article coming up soon!

What is your favorite number? Let us know in the comments below!

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