Neo Classic Speeders

Mankind has been destined for space-travel ever since we first gazed up into the stars and wondered what was out there. The problem is that not everyone likes the exploring and science side of space, some of us just want to race on other planets. That is where builder Sad Brick (aww, cheer up buddy!) has stepped in and imaged what it would be like to race on another planet with one of our best space-buddies.
As a side note, this build is proof that you don't need a lot of LEGO bricks to come up with something cool and interesting.

Neo Classic Speeder

A Blast From The Past

A long time ago in a City far far away I discovered SHIP's. Large Lego Space Ships more than 100 studs long. I was amazed by them, so many different shapes, colours and details. This one, the Centaur LL-72 by Chris Giddens has been a long time favourite. I felt inspired to go and try to build something like this. It has lovely clean lines, enough details to be convincing and maybe a touch of Star Wars about it (in a good way!) I still look back at the SHIP's (Suitably Huge Investment in Parts, I think someone once said) from this time, around 2008 with envious admiration. I did build some SHIP's once, I dropped one, scrapped a few and finally got one on display in 2014, a little late to the party!



It's weird how a lifetime of filmmaking has altered the way I look at the world. When I see a scene like this I'm not thinking "wow, cool use of (insert part here)" or "cool, a space MOC". I'm hearing the thrum of the space station, slowly trucking in as the crew enters the scene, listening to the french horns as they play a subtle scene intro sting and watching the visual effects of the energy coursing through the reactor core. Thanks for the spacy, cinematic moment Bricking It.


It seems inevitable that one day we'll have biped machines roaming either this or other worlds. We're just so captivated by the concept of making things walk. If the recent DARPA event is any indication we're still quite a ways off, but we still have our collective imagination. Like this awesome neo classic space walker by newcomer damoncorso, the future looks bright and stompy.


NCS Y-Wing

Now here's a mashup I can get behind, Star Wars and neo classic space. Builder Billyburg has brought together the form factor of an all time classic ship from a galaxy far, far away with the modernized aesthetic but classic color combinations of LEGO classic space and the results are pretty sweet. This thing looks ready to take on the Empire.


Neo FX Star Patroller

I never get tired of Neo Classic Space, especially kick-arse ships like this one by Alec Hole.  It's got tons of pointy antenna bits all over the place, plus multi-tiered SNOT wings.  Very cool.  I like how's Alec integrated the engines into the aft section in contrast to the mongo nacelles in the middle.  Why not, right?  Just wish there were more pictures!  Hint hint...

Neo FX Star Patroller

Neophyter F6 Type

The king of the greeb is back. Pete "Legoloverman" Reid needs no introduction. Between his excellent Space book and his phenomenal LEGO Ideas Exo-Suit, he's practically a household name. This fighter is a bit of a departure from the color scheme of neo classic space, but it's a welcome change. And just look at the greebly goodness on the belly, lovely.
