
This jaw-dropping sailing ship by redmondej is hands down the single most magnificent minifig scale frigate I've ever seen. It's absolutely enormous, stunningly beautiful and mind-bogglingly detailed. The rigging alone is so intricate that you'd swear it's fully functional. And it's not just a pretty shell, it has three fully detailed decks inside. I truly hope I get to see this thing in person some day, it's gorgeous. Get yourself a snack, find a comfortable place to sit and click here for many, many more pictures, including details of the interior, vignettes and behind the scenes details.

His Majesty's Frigate Enterprize
HMS Enterprize - Forecastle
HMS Enterprize - Decks Overview
HMS Enterprize - The Fighting Top
HMS Enterprize - A Glorious Chance!
HMS Enterprize & The Brick Bounty