I Spy: What's in the Pile?

In the LEGO hobby, many times you’ll find a pile of random bricks. Maybe it is a bulk buy, maybe it is an old collection, maybe it is just a pile of scraps from your workbench. But how do you go about identifying the parts, sets or little nuggets of LEGO history within?

To help illustrate some tips and tricks, let’s play a game, shall we?

What do you see in the photo above? One of our contributors Gwyneth recently found a bulk lot and is discovering what is in it. We thought we’d post the photo early so you can play a LEGO version of “I Spy” too.

We’ll post our pile analysis next week, so you have a few days to put your investigator’s hat on and do some digging! Good luck!

What do you see in the pile? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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