It's Potty Time!
/Here at BrickNerd, we enjoy good old-fashioned potty humor as much as the next person. Sniffing around in our back catalog, I realized we were overdoo-doo in paying another visit to the venerable “thunder mug.” It’s time to put the seat down, and lay a LEGO brick. Duty calls!
The last time we floated an article about a commode was 14 months ago, which until our “Easter Egg hunt” was still more recent than the last time we have featured a train—“Ain’t that a kick in the caboose?” Five years before that, El Barto uncovered a DIY bathroom renovation project using old Stormtrooper helmets. Hopefully, a restroom is the one room in which Stormtroopers CAN hit the target.
Outhouse - by Chris Maddison
In my search to find the nearest available restrooms, I was reminded of this classic outhouse by Chris Maddison that he posted back in 2015. In the description, he shared with us that World Toilet Day occurs every November. Did you know that 4.2 billion people live without access to safely managed sanitation? We considered saving our “restroom round-up” until the next World Toilet Day on November 19th, but then that would leave us crossing our legs—and there is no way we could hold it all for that long.
Public Restrooms
Since the heyday of the outhouse, sanitation and indoor plumbing have certainly come a long way for those who do have access to it. However, when it comes to using public restrooms, we still have a long way to go in getting people to clean up after themselves. Why do public restrooms always end up looking like such a disaster? If you have never discovered a public restroom scene similar to the one created by -derjoe- below, consider yourself lucky. There is some major “N. Pee-Yew” in that last stall (that’s no turtle head or chocolate frog peeking out at us).
Public toilet playset - by -derjoe-
I think our friend Keith Goldman still has the right idea on how to attack these problems of dirty restrooms and the people who leave them that way… “Release the velociraptors!”—and Wash Those Hands!
Lávate las manos! - by Keith Goldman
And don’t get me started about the people who camp out in the only clean-and-functioning restroom stall while the rest of us are all waiting outside in a long line. Jonas Kramm knows of what I speak. Again, I say to you, “Release the velociraptors!”
A Bad Place to Hide - by Jonas Kramm
Rather than dealing with all these hassles of public restrooms, I think Tyler Clites (winner of LEGO Masters USA - Season One) was onto something when he decided to build himself a “Go-Kart” called the “Porcelain Express.” It is a personal toilet that can take you wherever, or whenever, you need to go, Go, GO!!!
Porcelain Express- by Tyler Clites
Call The Plumber
For the rest of us stuck with using a lone toilet where someone left a “bowl clogger” behind, it’s time to call the plumber. Our friends over at The Brothers Brick know how to track down a good plumber, and we have no issues with taking their recommendations. If we didn’t, then we’d certainly be missing out on this scene by Martin van Wezel. There’s nothing like watching a master plumber try to wrangle one of the prettiest blue-water, toilet geysers you’ll ever see.
Call the Plumber - by Martin van Wezel
However, when it comes to the “exploding toilet geyser” meme, there is no doubt that this scene by Maxim Baybakov takes the urinal cake. He built this for the recent “All jobs are great” / "Все работы хороши" contest over on The only thing left to imagine is in which of Maxim’s wonderful buildings from 2020 this vignette is situated and on which floor.
Plumber - by Maxim Baybakov
To close, no “restroom round-up” would be complete without stumbling into some kind of socially awkward situation in a public restroom. A common one is breaking the men’s restroom taboo of looking over at someone while using the urinals (proper etiquette = eyes forward, no talking). For the recent “Big & Small” round of the Rogue Olympics, I thought it would be funny to recreate a scene like this. The posters on the pub toilet walls should give you all the hints you need as to what the “Big & Small” refers to—or is that “Small & Big”?
“Big and Small” - by Ted Andes
With that, it’s time to close the lid on yet another article. We doo hope you enjoyed this little romp through the porcelain palaces of our LEGO Community. Happy restroom hunting, and don’t forget to “WASH YOUR HANDS!!!”
What restrooms have you seen made out of LEGO? Did we miss any? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.
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