LEGO NPU: Dots Edition

What are Dots? Are they just 1x1 round plates? No! LEGO Dots is an artsy theme dedicated to patterns, wearable builds, stationery kits, and all sorts of things in between. Sorta like Clikits (we covered them last time), but not as obscure—and also currently in production.

Launched in March of 2020, Dots has quickly become a favorite theme for many of us here at BrickNerd; we even ran a building contest inspired by the Dots bag tag cubes! Most Dots sets have a large quantity of various 1x1 tiles, rounds, squares, quarter rounds, and whatever these teeth things are. Many of the sets have bracelets covered in studs, so you can make your own fashionable LEGO-covered accessories.

Sets like Lots of Dots contain absurd quantities of 1x1 tiles of all types—cool parts pack!

So let’s take a look at some awesome NPU (nice parts usage) using this plethora of polka-dotted pieces.

This dude is named DICE! Designed by nobu_tary, DICE uses the Dots bag tag cube for his massive, expressive head. The sheer simplicity of the build is beautiful. (Too bad they posted ahead of our contest—they would have likely walked away with a prize!)

Here’s another creation by designed by nobu_tarya: a lampshade. They brilliantly used the cupcake piece from last year’s 41926: Creative Party Kit! Again simplicity wins the day. Now I think I need to get some of those cupcake bases and make something crazy…

Next up is a cozy little room where I’d gladly spend my next Christmas chilling by the fire! Built by miscellababuilds over on Instagram, this whole scene is full of NPU, but the best part is the clock which uses a round 1x1 tile with a printed L. Dots introduced a whole new 1x1 round tile alphabet which can be used for things other than lettering!

Lastly, beware, the Skulkhound! One of the best constraction builders I know, Djokson, continues to impress with this scary critter! This adorably demonic doggy is made from both sizes of Dots bracelets. And for bonus NPU points, its tongue is a Clikits heart icon and its nose is a Ben 10 armor piece.

So the next time you are looking for some interesting pieces to build with, take a gander around the LEGO section and look at the Dots sets. Chances are, you’ll see something cool (and affordable!) that might inspire you to make something totally awesome! Just remember, sorting lots of small pieces can take a while!

Have you made something cool with LEGO Dots pieces? We’d love to know in the comments!

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