Prime Directive: Optimus Prime LEGO MOCs

You probably noticed the official LEGO announcement about the new Transformers Optimus Prime Creator Expert set. And here at BrickNerd, we’ve got a pretty long history of writing about various iterations of the famed Autobot leader.

“Optimus Prime has graced these pages quite a few times in the last couple years. It's fascinating to me that the same character can be built in so many ways and styles, still be instantly recognizable and always irresistible.” -Tommy

Indeed. Given that history, I’d like to do a quick retrospective on G1 MOCtimus Primes to contrast the new official set. Some even have instructions and custom kits for sale. So then it comes down to which one you might prefer to build, buy, or maybe all of the above, since, as Tommy said, they’re irresistible!.

Let’s start with Angus MacLane’s build which doesn't transform, but certainly fits the bill. More like the cartoon character than the toy, MacLane captures that 80’s Japanimation blockiness that we know and love. Roll out!

Next up is Sam.C’s Chibi-Prime. This one actually transforms with 27 points of articulation and plenty of bling.

My Old pal Chris Roach has been building LEGO Transformers even longer than I’ve been building Battlestars, so a list of LEGO Primes wouldn’t be complete without something of his. Behold!

You may notice a few things off-the-bat that contrast with the new official set. Chris has the old-school red windows going on there. We’re talking 70’s Town sets kind of old-school. And like the other MOCs highlighted here today, the face is brick-built, not sticker dependent. Lastly, you may have noticed his knees actually bend. That certainly would be more effective when kicking Starscream’s tail-pipe.

Here’s a nifty microscale Optimus courtesy of Student Scissors. Lots of articulation, plenty of detail, massive gun; everything you need in a compact package!

Lastly, I had to put this in the line-up, Nerdlyus Prime by Erik Hagsved. Optimus has never had such impressive specs!

He also built an Optimus Prime that’s the size of a three-year-old. Check out the video here!

There you have it, BrickNerd fans! By no means a complete list of the multitude of Optimus Primes, but I think it shows the creativity in the LEGO community over the years, now joined by The LEGO Group itself.

Will you be standing in line at the LEGO Store before opening on June 6th for the official release? (Seriously, it releases on the 6th, not the 1st… because reasons… that way I can have a head start on getting it!) Or have you already made your own version? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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