Silly Situations: Finding Fun in LEGO Photography
/The LEGO hobby is a source of joyful energy for many people. Whatever crazy ideas we have in our minds, we can easily bring to life through the lens of LEGO building and photography. I'm sure that many of you have had ideas to capture funny scenes or memorable behind-the-scene moments that you wanted to bring to life too. Today, I have collected a few of my own humorous scenes, so I present to you a gallery of "Silly Situations!”
"Too high..."
Elaborately Planned Fun
Using LEGO builds and photos to illustrate a joke is a whimsical and easily understood way to inject fun into any scene. By creating humorous scenes based on our everyday lives or from literature or cinema, we broaden our own cultural perspective. Humor is an instrument for self-reflection and self-improvement. To the intended audience, hopefully that pleasingly humorous scene brings them joy and makes them think as well. Some might simply call this type of quick-scene humor a meme or pun that is put into LEGO form. Here are a few whimsical puns and short stories to make you smile.
Big Four (Inspired by Agatha Christie)
Claud Darrell is more than a criminal: he's a master of disguise who stays invisible behind his secret Big Four organization aimed at world domination. He founded it as a unique method of deception and makes the world believe that the Big Four really exists. In reality, he is its only member. Claud, of course, is the infamous “Number Four”, which is not only his favorite number but also his obsession.
One more fact about Claud: he used to be a stage actor. His motivation for inventing the Big Four was a ruse to win over his fellow actress' heart. This photo depicts him following behind the object of his desires, Flossie, after she received his latest anonymously sent love note.
Flossie receives his love notes every week but has never figured out her secret admirer’s true identity. The cause for this conundrum is simple: Claud adds "Four Kisses" onto every letter, and Flossie's imagination always leads her in the wrong way.
No, silly, not that kind of KISS!
Don't You Think I'm Scary?
Sometimes using LEGO to create a brick-built creature can change its intended mood. A monster that was once viewed as scary can suddenly become absolutely comical and even lovable with just a few bricks. This type of situation is perfectly illustrated with an analogy from a certain Wizarding World where a group of young magic students fights a Boggart—an apparition that acquires the shape of whatever its viewer fears most. Boggarts can be defeated by laughter, so what better way than to cast a spell and force them to look funny? "From fear to laughter, it takes only one step."
Harry, Ron and Hermione met a terrifying troll during their first year at Hogwarts. If they had seen a Boggart after those events, it would definitely have transformed into the troll, as it was a horrible sight indeed; twelve feet tall, granite gray skin, its great lumpy body like a boulder, with a small bald head perched on top like a coconut. It had short legs, thick as tree trunks with flat, horned feet. It held a huge wooden club in its long arms...
However, with the casting of a simple spell… “Riddikulus!”, this terrifying visage of a troll could be transformed into a hula dancer at a luau. Now you don’t look so handsome, Mr. Boggart, in your grass skirt and coconut shells?!
“Aloha Oe!”
From frightening to laughable; the LEGO medium can turn something terrifying into something fun! What’s a sillier situation than a troll doing a Hawaiian hula dance?
Behind the Scenes (BTS)
Needless to say, it can take many attempts to try and capture a good photo of a LEGO scene you have created. However, when we look back on our first efforts, they might even turn into a joke themselves. Before using big lamps in my photography set-up, I was reliant on using natural sunlight. Of course, this meant that every sunset was the inevitable end to all my photography projects for the day... “Oh, no! Mr. Sun, please stay a while longer!”
"Make your own light, when the sun is down!"
However, these difficulties have transformed this every-day AFOL into a real engineer, so now this picture can be taken… literally.
Bloopers Are The Best Part Of Cinema
Deleted scenes deserve a special place at the end of a movie—and in our photo collections too. An unexpected mistake suddenly becomes the best part of the creative process. This simplicity is the key to unlocking the humor.
"It is a ponderous chain!"
Have a look at this behind-the-scenes (BTS) photograph of "A Christmas Carol" scene by Charles Dickens. You can see the example of the actor's unfortunate performance: Jacob Marley’s ghost was leaving Scrooge's house and ended up getting stuck in the window because of his chains! It's doubly funny because there's a similar illustration in the book. (I hate it when that happens! Why did the ghost decide to stop coming through the walls anyway?)
A Curious Onlooker
Anytime you take photos of your LEGO models outdoors, you are probably going attract the attention of curious onlookers. They usually come closer to see what I am photographing and take a close up look at all the miniature details. If you don’t mind the attention, it's a wonderful opportunity to set up a nice photo in a public space and receive some positive feedback at the same time!
"Attending the Premiere."
I was shooting Alice in Wonderland with the Caterpillar above (I sculpted it especially for this scene) when a man was passing by and said to his kid: "Look, that's how they film for the BBC!" I had a little chuckle to myself. If only I worked for the BBC!
Playful Pets
The quality of LEGO builds is usually measured by the level of detail and design. But since the Colosseum set was released, pets have added yet another reason for the purchase of LEGO: the builds are comfortable and spacious enough to be a place to sleep! You don’t even have to build a story because this one tells itself. Behold, this article’s final feline seal of approval!
I hope you enjoyed this look at finding humor in the LEGO hobby and that it helps you smile during silly situations of your own.
When does your hobby make you laugh? What’s your cat’s favorite LEGO build? Share your favorite funny scenes or memorable BTS moments with us! [Behind-the-Scenes moments, that is. Sorry, Inez.]
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