Go Bananas

Generally speaking we don’t promote kits or professional endeavors here on BrickNerd, but it’s my blog and I can break any rule I want (try and do something about it, come at me bro, you want some of this? and other dismissive counterattacks). The fabulous Bruce Lowell is one of my first AFOL buddies, going way back to my first con in 2009, and this is his first set. While I haven’t watched any Arrested Development I’m a devout frozen banana fan, and you can be either or both with this excellent Frozen Banana Stand featuring custom printed elements and die cut stickers. For more details visit www.brucelowell.com

Stair Truck

While perusing Flickr this morning I recognized this stair truck from Arrested Development instantly. This isn't because I watch the show, I've actually never seen it, but for some reason Netflix is absolutely convinced I should watch it, and has been enthusiastically recommending it for years. Builder Mad Physicist not only nailed the look of this classic airport utility vehicle, he made it functional with extending stairs!

Stair car from Arrested Development
Stair car from Arrested Development