The Droid You're Looking For

R2-D2 certainly had a way of getting into trouble didn't he? Luckily for him he also had a way of saving the day, so that sorta makes up for it. On this fateful day though, the Jawas got the better of him. But he was reunited with C-3PO, and then it was off to the Lars homestead, and you know the how that turned out. Nice build I Scream Clone.


Midi Sandcrawler

I've always had an affection for the Jawas and their behemoth transportation. Something about their cute yet mischievous behavior juxtaposed to this colossal machine is just appealing. It's something we take for granted now but think about it, before George thought this up it simply didn't exist, and there was no basis of reality for it. It's been brick-built many times, and an official set three times, but I really like the scale of this version by Omar + kamitera. Oh, and those micro Jawas are adorkable.

Midi Sandcrawler
Midi Sandcrawler