The Missing Minifigures of LEGO Star Wars

The Missing Minifigures of LEGO Star Wars

The original Star Wars trilogy was only six hours long but has gifted us with hundreds of LEGO minifigures… but there are still a few characters who aren’t represented! Join us as we take a deep dive into Kenner toys and galactic card games to determine the missing minifigures of LEGO Star Wars.

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You Can Spin With One, Spin With Two, How You Spin Is Up To You!

I know we had at least one of these at our house when I was a kid, but being that I get barfy just glancing at my phone in a moving car I never cared for it much. It's Sit 'n Spin from jtheels, and it's a blast form the centrifugal past! Yeah, some of the toys from my youth were kinda dumb, but then again so were we (lawn darts anyone?).

LEGO Sit-N-Spin