The Thin Veneer

The digital generation will probably look back on this time in 20-30 years and shake their collective heads in embarrassment. When life accomplishments were only real with photo documentation, and everyone’s dinner was never so well cataloged. And when concerts were enjoyed through a 5” screen at arms length and self worth was measured against countless other attempts at a perfect life through selfies. This is pretty well illustrated by this piece by builder 74louloute, real life has never been so not real.

Millennial Falcon

What's this? Is it a Corellian freighter from a galaxy far, far away? No, it's avocado toast and a pumpkin spice latte taking a selfie courtesy of the wonderfully bent sense of humor of Melan-E and Ochre Jelly. Speaking of Corellian freighters, did you know our pals at Brothers Brick are giving away one? All you have to do is build your own, so get to it.

Millennial Falcon