
I know much of the US, and the world is enduring a cold snap at the moment, so the charm of a snowy medieval village might be lessened a bit. But just look at this excellent diorama by builder soccersnyderi. Despite it's apparent scale, the whole thing fits on a 48x48 baseplate. It also has a feature I've never seen before, pull out room interiors. Three little vignettes that slide out of the structures to reveal a little bit if medieval life.

The Streets of Daydelon
The Streets of Daydelon
The Streets of Daydelon

Ski Chalet

I'm not a skier, I haven't been skiing in 30 years, and I wasn't good back then, in fact I was terrible. But one of the things I did enjoy about the experience was sipping hot chocolate in the warm and cozy lodge after the day freezing and face-planting on the slopes (I won't go into details about the rescue sled incident, but it wasn't pretty). I doubt I'll ever strap on skis again, but seeing this wonderful chalet by builder SEBASTIAN-Z sure makes me crave hot chocolate and a warm fire while the snow falls outside. Meanwhile I'll enjoy the 81º weather here in California.

Ski Chalet (Lego MOC) 1
Ski Chalet - first floor 3
Ski Chalet (Lego MOC) - Interior Collage 2