The Secret Adventures of LEGO Minifigs: Thanksgiving Feast
/Back in September, I shared a few scenes I created using minifigures from the Collectable Minifigures Series 23 that the LEGO Group generously provided to BrickNerd. As you could tell from reading Part 1, I had so much fun exploring all their storytelling potential!
Like the leaves on autumn trees, these incredibly bright and joyful characters have gathered in a splash of color to celebrate their favorite holidays.
Today we continue telling those tales… turkey tails to be specific. With it being Thanksgiving week in the USA, it is time for Mr. Turkey to take center stage—along with one of his biggest and baddest fans.
"Hey! Mind your tail while I am trying to scavenge food over here!"
The Little Feathered Farmer
Mr. Turkey is a proud farmer who faithfully tends to his fields. His favorite time of year is autumn, as the colorful leaves signal that harvest time has finally arrived. This is when he can finally reap what he has sown and collect all of the fruits (and vegetables) of his labors.
While the tradition for most families at harvest time is to gather together on Thanksgiving Day for a big turkey dinner, Mr. Turkey instead celebrates by constructing a giant turkey sculpture to display in his front yard. He and his fellow feathered farmers create and decorate them together with their families. Seeing every farmhouse in their valley guarded by such a big and bright turkey reminds us of the tradition of making snowmen during the first snowfall (whose time certainly won’t be far behind).
“Gobble, gobble!!!”
Our little hero is a pleasant farmer with nary a care in his world… except for one: his unruly neighbors. The Big Gray Wolf family lives next door to him and are very noisy, very active and... by their nature, a very unsuitable neighbor for such a calm bird. In short, they ruffle his feathers. Mr. Turkey would prefer anyone but The Big Gray Wolf himself peering over his farmyard fence; the sight of his long salivating tongue and impressively sharp teeth are simply unsettling.
From Mr. Wolf’s perspective, he thinks he is amazingly lucky to live next door to such a diligent turkey; he and his family are a quiet bunch, concentrated on their everyday activities and living their lives with their head in the clouds... such a good bird. Whatever others may say, it can be really interesting to watch such a neighbor go about their business seemingly without a care.
One day, Mr. Wolf finally decided to leap over the fence to pay Mr. Turkey a visit. Mr. Tukey felt a foreboding wind blow across the back of his neck, sending a chill down his spine.
“I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll… blow your leaves everywhere.”
"Why, here you are Mr. Turkey!” Mr. Wolf growled. “Have you been trying to hide from me?"
“I am only tending to my farm, as I always do,” Mr. Turkey responded. “Perhaps you should go back to your home and do the same.”
“Oh, farming is not the life for me, Mr. Turkey. You see, my family and I are scavengers. We spend our days roaming far and wide to find the tastiest treats... Did I ever tell you about the time we came across a purple cow in the Alps?”… Mr. Wolf started drooling at the memory…
"No, Mr. Wolf, you have not… and if you don’t mind I’d like to get back to my business. It seems you never stay indoors! It is bad enough that you leer at me through the fence every day—I would rather you not have crossed over it to leer at me in person. So what is your business with me anyway? Have you come here to scavenge my hard-earned harvest?"
“No, no my friend,” Mr. Wolf replied. “I would never do such a thing as stealing all your vegetables… I am a carnivore after all.”
“No, no. I’m dressing you with my eyes, Mr. Turkey, not undressing you.”
And with that dear readers, today’s installment of minifig tales has come to an end. I wish each of you a Happy Thanksgiving! Be sure to invite these amazing characters into your homes to celebrate with you, as you will certainly never feel bored.
Do you like turkey on Thanksgiving? Let us know in the comments!
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