These Budding Bonsai Blossoms Signal the Start of Spring

Builder ZiO Chao’s Plum Bonsai is blossoming early, and it’s blossoming beautifully too! These blossoms symbolize perseverance and hope—so take a good long refreshing look!

One intriguing detail about this build is that the blossoms are presented in different stages—some budding, some blooming, and some in between. This was a strategic choice that let ZiO show off some of his skill in flower crafting—as well as some NPU including great usage of boat studs.

I talked to ZiO a little bit about his inspiration for this botanical creation:.

Did you look at some real bonsais for inspiration?

Yes, I do. I always find some ideas from the internet. The final model is usually not as the reals, but I tried to find the best solution with LEGO pieces to form a satisfying shape.

What did your build process look like— did you start with the branches or somewhere else?

I usually start from the key components, in this case, I started from the plum blossom which is the most difficult part of this creation. I had built several ways to present the blossom, and spent most time on it. Then the pot is also a time-consuming part for me to search for the right pieces for a good shape.


I particularly like your use of fists for the legs of the little table! Where did you get that idea?

Sometimes, I build things with couple ways to form the shape and pick the most satisfying one for the model. In the beginning, I built the legs of table with curved slopes, but suddenly found that using the fist pieces was a simple and interesting way to build the legs. The fist pieces are not too bricky and its shape is really similar to a real table’s.

ZiO’s lovely creation certainly brightened my day, but if your day needs even more brightening check out some of his other work on Flickr!

How would you have built the table legs, and what are you building to celebrate Spring? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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