Everything You Want To Know About LEGO Goats

Best of BrickNerd - Article originally published November 7, 2022.

“LEGO goats are rare,” they say. Indeed, the minifig scale creature appeared in only one set; 2011’s Mill Village Raid (7189). LEGO made one goat, the story goes, then they broke the mold. The goat is gone, and it can never come back!

Used-condition minifigure-scale goats from this set cost a pretty penny. The creature is so coveted that some have suggested LEGO goats should be used as a primary form of currency—“the goat standard,” if you will. But if you need a LEGO goat and don’t want to break the bank, you have options.

Goating Back in History

My last name means “white goat” in Polish, so there is no Nerd better qualified to take this goat by the horns. Get on board the LEGO wooden pull toy to learn more! (Not much is known about this pull toy, alas.)

After the Mill Village Raid, the second best place to look for LEGO goats is in Fabuland. That line featured two minifigure goat characters - one grey goat with a blue shirt and yellow pants, featured in the Service Station, and a monochrome goat (Gertrude, the painter) in white. Both were available as figures and as keychains.

BrickNerd’s Are went so far as to surgically implant a Fabuland goat head onto a technic figure body.

Duplo Goats

Duplo also blessed us with several gorgeous goats. In 1987, Duplo featured the creature in a mosaic set before moving on to figures.

LEGO produced two similar-looking Duplo goats in dark orange - one of which appeared in 2013/2014 and the other in 2018-2020. There was also a white goat with spots in 2015, in the “forest animals” set. (I don’t immediately think of a goat as a forest animal, but I’ve spent enough time in Belville to know when to not ask questions.)

Here We Goat Again

In 2019, a classic Disney goat was printed on a tile in the Steamboat Willie set, and this year, LEGO has added a bumper crop to the herd! Not only do we have Thor’s divine creatures in The Goat Boat, but there is a new brick-built goat (or two, depending on how you look at it) in Minecraft (one has two studs on the back, and the other has four).

And, of course, one can view a pugilistic goat in the storybook ride at Legoland… if you dare.

Are you going to be able to sleep tonight?

Whatever Floats Your Goat

No Nerdvember would be complete without some goatacular glimpses from the community.

I hope you enjoy this capricious roundup (if you dare)!

Also check out this microscale version of the Mill Village Raid by Okay Yaramanoglu.

If you’re in the mood for some yodeling, here we have the lonely goatherd.

For general cuteness, we have a BrickHeadz-inspired goat.

Here’s a Trojan goat. (I don’t trust this guy. I think he’s hiding something.)

And, finally, we have the Gavle goat (significantly less flammable than its Swedish namesake).

It will be another five years (2027), but indeed we shall celebrate the year of the goat (sometimes called “sheep”), like Artisan Bricks.

You Herd It Here

Until then, if you can’t buy the coveted, singular minifig-scale goat, feel free to build your own with Swebrick’s Skaerbaek 2022 event kit that they make every year. I found particular inspiration in the upscaled minifig scale goat by Iamlegokritch (I recreated it for the group photo up top).

So is the LEGO goat actually the G.O.A.T. or is it just a baaaaad waste of money? Let us know in the comments!

What’s your favorite iteration of LEGO goat? What are your thoughts about farm animals in general? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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