Nerdvember 2021: The Final Countdown!

Alright BrickNerd fans, it’s the final day of the month-long building festival competition known the world over as Nerdvember! If you’ve been off the grid, then here’s a link to the recap explaining the rules and showing off the choice prizes. And just to make sure you see them, here’s a pic of the prizes offered:

Simply put, build a custom exclusive to win an official one! But wait, there’s more! Our grand prize winner will have their MOC drawn as a comic cover by artist Paul Lee who has created the box art for many previous Comic-Con exclusives. He’ll hand-draw your creation into a comic cover worthy of great envy! Your friends will be jealous, your relatives proud, potential significant others will be drawn to you! Well, maybe not that last one, but you get the idea: It’s awesome!

So get your build finished, photographed, and posted in the Flickr group or on Instagram. You have until the stroke of midnight PT! And good luck, we’re all counting on you!

Were you able to build an entry for the contest? Would you like to boast about your build or compliment the judges? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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