Who Likes Owls!? A Parliament of LEGO Owls

Welcome back everyone! Not sure why, but over the last few years, I´ve noticed more and more owl MOCs showing up in my Flickr-feed. And I must admit, I really like it! So for the beginning of autumn, I decided to dig around and find some great examples of owl-builds from around the community.

Without further ado, let´s have a look at a parliament of LEGO owls.

Colorful Characters

We start off with one of my absolute favourites, this beauty by DOGOD Brick Design. The eyes, making great use of some of the pieces found in the recent botanical sets, are just stunning. And the colour scheme overall is truly magnificent. Overall, this build makes great use of a variety of pieces and you just get happy when looking at it.

Moving on we have this regal character by Djokson. I really dig the pose and the slightly menacing look of this build.

A while back I dipped my toes in the owl-building-business as well, during Iron forge, and I got to say it won´t be the last time.

Using quite a few rather new pieces, James Zhan has crafted this amazing creation, which give off a pretty strong Harry Potter vibe for some reason.

Sir Reginald Feather Bottom, by Nathan Hake, is a great example of how you can add even more character to an animal-build. The top hat fits this guy perfectly and adds a bit of humour to an otherwise very life-like build.

Penetrating Stares

Eero Okkonen has made a few truly stunning owls, so let´s have a look at a few of them. Starting with the Eurasian Pygmy Owl. The exposed studs add perfect texture which fits great with the overall look of this owl.

Down below we have the Great Grey Owl, with it´s characteristic round face. Including those large discs as well as chains, was a great choice and some wicked NPU.

Another example of great parts-usage is in this builds by DOGOD Brick Design. The wedge-pieces that form the “eyebrows“ fit very well and really add character to this stunning owl.

The Eyes Have It

For those of us that enjoy old childrens shows, this owl by fellow LEGO Masters winner and Masterpiece alumni Rikard, is a real treat. He uses a similar technique for the body as he used in his chicken build (which is currently featured in the Masterpiece gallery at the LEGO House), and it works to perfection here as well.

As mentioned previously, focusing on the eyes is a sure way to build a really cool owl. And few do it better that ForlornEmpire. The use of lever bases to draw attention to the eyes is just awesome!

As with most animals (or more specifically animal-MOCs I guess), owls can of course come in all sizes and colours. Illustrated here very nicely several times by Mihai Marius Mihu.

Not all owls are furry and sweet of course, this one by Letranger Absurde is more in the realm of steampunk. But it still has those characteristic eyes, along with NPU all over the place.

What struck me about this one by Zane Houston is definately the eyes. The builder makes fantastic use of the fender-pieces that really frame the eyes. And I mean, a golden banana for the beak, there was zero chance I could not include this beauty.

Although I guess this guy by Jayfa isn´t technically an owl, he sure looks like one (half of it at least). And whenever I have a chance to spotlight something from this talented builder, I pounce! The framing of the eyes using wings and claws work to perfection here.

Nifty Parts Usage

The owl below by Tyler really brings back some fond memories of watching cartoons as a kid. The brick-built eyes work great to give it that signature look, along with the parts-usage for the eyebrows.

As does this one by Marco Pas. I really enjoy the expression of the beak, as well as the leaf-pieces to add some texture to the chin. Nicely done!

Speaking of NPU, this little character by BrickNerd writer Dan Ko takes that to another level (again). Built for Iron Builder, the chunky Hulk-hands somehow form this rather perfect owl. Who knew!?

Continuing with builds that use “just the right pieces“, this one below by Jens Ohrndorf absolutely fall in that category. The eyebrows, the beak, the “ears“, even the eyes, all work absolutely fantastic to form the somewhat annoyed-looking owl.

Jens Ohrndorf even managed to squeeze out this lovely build of yet another owl, while I was writing this article, so I took that as a sign to include it as well.

And let´s end with the build that actually made me go on this quest to find awesome owl-MOCs. This absolutely amazing build by Nannan Zhang. I mean, the colours, the feathers, the eyes, even the eyebrows, everything is just spot on! And I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

So there you have it, a bunch of owls. I really hope this article inspires more builders to make LEGO-versions of this majestic bird. Because I really enjoy seeing them. Thanks a lot for stopping by, and feel free to add more examples owls that I may have missed down in the comments. Take care!

Do you think you’ll be up all night building your very own owl MOC? Let us know in the comments?

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