And The Winners Are...


First off, let me say that I'm absolutely blown away by the response to this contest. I never dreamed there would be so many entries, and I certainly didn't expect the quality to be so totally awesome. I am humbled and honored to have inspired so much quality building, you're all amazing.

But there can be only three winners (at least by my totally arbitrarily set rules) so here they are...

1st Place - Lego Junkie

Nerdly might be a strong personality, but he's also plastic. So careful where you point that magnifying glass.  

2nd Place - Ochre Jelly

There have been many rumors of the origins of Nerdly, this is just one. I'm not confirming or denying this, but I will caution against wounding him, just in case he has acid blood. 

3rd Place - customBRICKS

If at first you think you see Nerdly, don't be surprised if he transforms. He is in disguise. 

Thank you all for entering, you made the judging VERY difficult with so many amazing MOCs. Speaking of judging, I'd like to thank everyone who helped judge the contest, I know how hard it was. Winners, your prizes will be in the mail soon, just as soon as I'm back from BrickCon.

The BrickNerd "Pimp My Nerdly" Contest

Hey fellow LEGO nerds, it's contest time! We want to see how you interpret or trick out Nerdly. Your creativity is the only limit in this contest. Lino Martins sparked this with his hot rod Nerdly, but how about a Star Wars Nerdly, or a Mickey Mouse Nerdly, or a Neo Classic Space Nerdly, or super hero Nerdly? (I think you see where we're going with this) Get your bricks out and enter by September 30th!

To download instructions for Nerdly visit this link.  But you don't have to follow them, get as creative as you want.

Visit the official Flickr group for rules and more info.


Thanks to the scientific minds behind and my mad counting and scrolling skillz I can now announce the Nerdly winners! Congratulations to: 

Flickr: LinoM

Facebook: Chris McVeigh

Twitter: @johnmknight

Thank you all for entering, and keep your eyes peeled for the next contest (coming soon, get ready to build!) 


UPDATE! It escaped my bleary eyed attention as I figured out the winners at Starbucks this morning but both Chris and Lino are actually in my last video. I know that has to look highly suspicious but please believe me, they were randomly picked. (next time I'll shoot video of the draw, but not at Starbucks)


Win A Nerdly!

That's right LEGO fans, you can win this exclusive desktop model of Nerdly! To celebrate the official launch of we are giving away three of these, and winning couldn't be more simple. All you have to do is comment on Flickr, follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook. Do all these and there's a astronomically small chance you could win all three! Enter from July 1st through 31st and three winners will be chosen at random. Good luck!
