The Last Supper

If the bible is any indication one of the characters in this MOC by builder kloou is going to betray Batman. But with this assortment, how in the world could we figure out who that might be? It’s pretty much a who’s who of villains that would just love to betray the dark knight. At least we can be sure of one thing, Penguin is going to absolutely destroy that pie.


Bro, do you even lift? For an effective work out, try the patented “Broly System”, you’ll be jacked in no time. It starts with a brief but effective exile to planet Vampa, followed by a high protein, low carb diet. Daily workouts include sparring with Vegeta and Goku, as well as numerous crunches. I have absolutely no idea what the heck I’m talking about, but check out this totally buff figure by builder 莫古.

Imperial Airship Bricktania

Whenever I see an craft like this beautiful airship from builder Dale Harris I immediately go into filmmaker mode. I’m imagining not only this ship on a pedestal in front of a green screen, but the camera rig to shoot it, the composites to put it into whatever background is needed, the scene in which it’s featured and the music that would accompany it. Weird huh?

Check out more pics and several other excellent builds at his website

The Spinshot 2600™

Can’t a pilot repair his craft in peace? If you’re tired of getting mauled while making minor repairs off world consider a Spinshot 2600™ auto turret. The Spinshot features an ARM96a processor and cutting edge AI to keep you safe. With motion, thermal, computer vision and audio sensors, it’s watching your back at all times. With a .002 second reaction time, high torque neomidium actuators and a full 360º sweep, it’s got the capability you’re looking for. The Spinshot 2600™, firepower with a brain.

I don’t know why I can’t just say “check out this cool ship by Legohaulic”, I just can’t help myself sometimes.

Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me...

Builder Dave Kaleta knows how to show some appreciation. He attended a taping of National Public Radio’s news quiz show Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me and presented these awesome creations to the hosts and panelists. It’s just too bad it was done after the taping, I’d love to see, or at least hear, their reactions to getting them.

Yellow Crested Cockatoo

A friend of mine in high school had a couple of birds at his house, and I’m pretty sure one of them was a yellow crested cockatoo, like this one from Builder timofey_tkachev, but I know so little about birds I could easily be wrong. I do remember looking at it and thinking “hey, it’s Fred from Baretta” (for those not a half century old Baretta was a TV series with Robert Blake and a bird).


Since Pokemon hasn’t been a feature of daily life in this house for many years it doesn’t take much to surprise me (I’m also blissfully ignorant of the world in general, so that’s not really saying much) So when a Pokemon that I’m not familiar with pops up, I just roll with it. I don’t know anything about Incineroar, wonderfully depicted here by builder reticence, but he looks like he can put up a good fight, and that’s all we ask of our incarcerated pocket monsters isn’t it?

Range Trooper

While Solo had it’s fair share of problems, box office numbers notwithstanding, I thought it was a fun movie. Yes, there were some cringe moments, and I think a better story could have been told, but there were also some absolutely awesome stuff. One of which were the totally badass Range Troopers. They reminded me of elite snowtroopers, and I think that was the idea. And while the LEGO Range Trooper constraction figures were OK, builder nobu_tary shows us how it’s done with this rework of the figure.

Meow & Squeak

I can’t say I totally understand this moc by builder DOGOD brick Design, but I like it. For one I’m a cat lover, and of course I’m into LEGO. But mostly I think it’s because I get to write the following sentence: Check out Emmet in his mouse mech riding a cat who has a powerful lamp on his head. I’ll likely never assemble that set of words in that order again.

It's A Miss, It's Totally A Miss

And once again Ochre Jelly is all over a meme before I’ve even heard of it (and truly, I could have lived without it). I don’t know the origin of this, what it’s based on, who this lass is or anything. And I feel a headache would follow any attempt at research so I’ll just post this and remain willfully ignorant of this one Iain.

The Perfect Thing To Ring In The New Year

As we transition from 2018 to 2019 I’m thinking this siege tower by W Navarre is sort of the perfect MOC to represent it. Because I don’t care who you are, everyone seems to think they’re under attack. From the silliest online debates of what Grover said to countries being held hostage by political maneuvering, everything feels like an assault. I’m an optimist by nature, so I’m going to remain hopeful that we can pull our collective heads out of our collective rear ends and start building a future instead of endlessly squabbling. Lets use this tower as a really sweet diving platform and have a pool party okay?

Klingon Battle Cruiser

Every good story needs a good villain, and the Klingons have always been pretty good villains. While the Federation may be only interested in exploring strange new worlds (and hooking up with the local babes, let’s face it), the Klingon Empire is having none of that. Just try to enter the neutral zone and you’ll be staring down a few of these bad boys. This is the Klingon Battle Cruiser, by builder Ben "Spaceship!" Smith, it’s here to blow you up. Qapla'!

The Star Wars Early Bird Display

Flash back to 1977. Star Wars has rocked the world and become an absolute phenomenon. Nobody had ever seen anything like it, and the blockbuster was born. In its wake came the scramble to create merchandise. Before the film came out nobody was interested in creating anything for it, and really back then it wasn’t a thing. We had lunch boxes and occasional toys, but it really wasn’t like these days, where you can slap Han Solo on a bag of oranges. A small fledgling toy company named Kenner won the rights to the toys, but had absolutely no way to create an entire action figure line before the important holiday toy buying season. So they hatched a brilliant plan, to pre-sell the figures with a certificate that came with a display for the figures. Yes, they sold an empty package for Christmas, and we all had one. Flash forward to last Friday when I received quite possible the coolest present I’ve ever been given, this glorious reproduction by my dear old friend Peter Abrahamson.

Me and Pete go way back, we actually met on what was the first film gig for both of us, The Blob in 1988, and we’ve been friends ever since. Remember the Battlebot Ronin? That’s his! He’s one of the most brilliant guys I know and I’m proud to call him friend. After giving my family a tour of where he works, a mechanical think tank and technical wizardry wonderland called Applied Invention, we made a quick trip to his house where he unveiled this. I’m still in shock at the level of nerdy awesomeness. While most of us way back when were satisfied with the cheap cardboard display that was in our early bird, included in the package of the figures we waited eagerly for there was a coupon to send away for an upgraded stand.


And once you see this you can truly appreciate the level of detail and deep dive that Pete put into his creation. Look closely and you’ll see that even the backdrop has been meticulously recreated in LEGO. Add to that the three swiveling levers, the brilliantly build figures and the custom sticker (including the term “Death Squad Commander”, something that always baffled us) you can see it’s a labor of love and dedication from a fellow nerd that shares my passion for Star Wars. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Pete, I’ll cherish it.

You can find more of Pete’s work at his website Ronin Brick Studio, check it out!

Christmas At Hogwarts

Christmas may be over, but the surprises and wonderful presents keep coming. I opened my Flickr (sorta like a present) to find this inside this morning. Builder Legopard has built a perfect representation of Christmas at everyone’s favorite school of witchcraft and wizardry, and it’s as charming and wonderful as it is in the movies. Everywhere you look it’s packed with details, check out the bookmark on the mantle, or the melted wax on the candle next to it, just so much to love.

Mario Kart

As I mentally prepare myself for a trip to Los Angeles today I’ll remind myself that it’s not OK to throw turtle shells or banana peels at my fellow motorists, as much as I may want to. While the “rules” of the freeways of the greater LA area don’t allow this, I’m sure there will be plenty of exchanged harsh looks and perhaps a couple gestures. But in my head I’ll be Mario, skillfully maneuvering through traffic, looking for the finish like. Just like this wonderful depiction by builder polywen.

Hugin & Munin

I love it when a MOC teaches me something. I’m not super knowledgeable about Norse mythology, but admiring these wonderful ravens by builder birgburg lead me to read the caption on the photo. According to it “In Norse mythology Hugin (thought) and Munin (memory) are Odin's two ravens. At day they fly over Åsgard and Midgard. At night they sit on Odin's shoulder and whisper in his ear what they have seen.” I was never aware of this and I love it. And to think I was just going to make a stupid “attempted murder” joke, shame on me.