
One of my favorite Nintendo Gamecube games was Luigi’s Mansion. When Mario mysteriously disappears in a haunted house, Luigi comes to his rescue and does some serious ghost busting. Well, that was nearly 20 years ago, and recently Luigi’s Mansion 3 came out, and you can bet I’m going to get it, but I must be patient. You see, at our house we post Christmas wish lists on the fridge around Halloween if not earlier, and if you put anything on the list you can’t buy it for yourself (those are the rules). I’m pretty sure Santa will bring me a copy, but in the mean time I’ll just admire this awesome sculpture by builder and Twitch streamer BrickinNick.

The One That Started It All

I vividly remember when the Gameboy came out. I was working on The Boneyard in North Carolina and saw a segment on TV promoting it. The next day I went to Wal-Mart (the first I’d ever been to) and bought two, one for me and one for my girlfriend. I then proceeded to play it non-stop for years. It was truly a game changer (pun intended) and I’m proud to say I still have them 30 years later, not that they’re totally functional. I still have my girlfriend too, only now I call her my wife. Thanks for the warm fuzzy nostalgia Cha Mi.

Micro Moo Moo Farm

Fans of the classic Nintendo racing game Mario Kart might recognize this, it’s the Moo Moo Farm! Builder and Twitch streamer BrickinNick crafted this little micro scale beauty live on air. While it’s not the complete track, you can see all the signature items, cows grazing, classic barn, and those stupid moles! You can catch Nick every week Sunday through Thursday his Twitch channel.

Mario Kart

As I mentally prepare myself for a trip to Los Angeles today I’ll remind myself that it’s not OK to throw turtle shells or banana peels at my fellow motorists, as much as I may want to. While the “rules” of the freeways of the greater LA area don’t allow this, I’m sure there will be plenty of exchanged harsh looks and perhaps a couple gestures. But in my head I’ll be Mario, skillfully maneuvering through traffic, looking for the finish like. Just like this wonderful depiction by builder polywen.


One of the concepts of Pokemon is they are "pets" that you collect and care for (and then force to fight each other, go figure). But in my opinion there's actually only a handful that I think I'd enjoy having around. Pets give us companionship and unconditional love, at least that's the point I think. I wouldn't mind having a Pikachu around, they're pretty cool. And my personal favorite is Cubone, I have no idea why. And Eevee, brilliantly built by reticence here, seems like a pleasure to have around. But can you imagine a Mr. Mime hopping on the bed with you to watch TV? I'd be creeped out the whole time. And Magicarp is useless, your argument is invalid.

Pokemon: eevee

NES Classic Case

At first glance you think "ah, a Nintendo NES". Then on closer inspection you think "wait a second, that's brick-built" and you're impressed. Then you learn that it has a NES classic inside and can actually be played and your mind is blown. What better way to store your minuscule NES classic (that is, if you were lucky enough to get one, I was not). Well played BrickinNick, well played.

NES Classic Case

Gameboy Color

Since the original Gameboy appeared in 1989 Nintendo has pretty much ruled the handheld gaming roost. I bought two immediately, and I still have them. Through the years we've watched them morph in shape, size and features, but the fun has stayed the same. Builder -derjoe- is clearly a fan and has a fresh batch of old school Gameboy Colors to share. Although I have to admit, that lettering is just about as nifty as the devices.

Game Boy Color out of LEGO bricks

Admit It, You Used To Shoot At That Damn Snarky Dog

For s generation, this was the screen of total frustration. With the original Nintendo Entertainment System there was an accessory called the Light Gun, and while there were a few games that took advantage of it, this game ruled supreme. Duck Hunt was simple enough, shoot the ducks, but it could be difficult. And as if it's wasn't frustrating enough, this dog would taunt you after every round. This MOC by Pate-keetongu captures that moment perfectly, when you pointlessly aim your pistol at that dog and unleash.

Duck Hunt

Handheld Terrorizes City

Dateline: January 20th 2017
Citizens are warned to be on the lookout for a small, sentient handheld game device. The handheld, calling itself GameBad has been hurling game cartridges and causing general disturbances since earlier today. "I don't know what happened, I was just standing there having a slice of pizza when that little bugger came up and clocked me with a Tetris!" exclaimed a man who declined an interview after the event. It should be noted that the device runs on classic alkaline batteries so the event is expected to last no longer than 10 hours.

Nintendo GAME BAD

Piranha Plant

That mechanical mad genius JK Brickworks is back with another cool creation, and this one's from a video game classic, Mario Bros. Anyone that's played the game (and pretty much everyone else as well) is familiar with the Piranha Plant, those tube-dwelling, perpetually hungry pains in the butt. We've seen these before in LEGO, but this one's mechanical. Check out the video to see it in action and learn how it's done.

Working Piranha Plant


It was a while before I bought and played Metroid Prime for Gamecube, and it was my first Metroid game (OK, I bought it for my son, but then played it myself). At first I was put off by the premise of morphing into a ball to roll around, seemed like a silly concept, but I warmed up to it quick enough. But what I remember the most is being floored that Samus was a girl, I'd seen the character for years, and had never known. This version by Pate-keetongu hits all the right marks. She looks ready for action.

Samus Aran

Hunting Equipment

If you're going to "catch 'em all" you're going to need some essential equipment. First, some comfortable shoes, because there's a lot of walking involved. Second, you need an outfit that says to the world "I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was". And third you're going to need a Pokedex and some Pokeballs, like this awesome brick-built set by Moko, because you need to keep track and get info, and despite their name, Pokemon don't fit in your pockets without a little help.
