Star Wars #1

You all know what a Star Wars geek I am. So when I was invited to contribute to the Comic Bricks art show at DesignerCon 2014 there wasn't a any question what comic I'd use. It was instantaneous and unwavering, Star Wars #1. This was my favorite comic as a kid, I literally wore it out thumbing through it continually until it finally fell apart. Now I have it again in brick form (that is unless someone buys it this weekend)

Star Wars #1

UPDATE: Somebody bought it, I have mixed feeling about it. Always great to get affirmation, and someone purchasing your art is high praise indeed, but I didn't get a chance to get sick of looking at it. I never even got a chance to show it to my wife in person, she only saw pics. The good news is if I really miss it, I can build another (just as soon as I restock 1x1 orange plate!)