Super Shiny Batpod

I have to admit once I got over the temporary paralysis upon first seeing this beauty by ianying616 I thought to myself “Batman would never ride a chrome Batpod”, but upon further thought I’m not so sure. The thing about chrome (and what makes it hard to illustrate, and render for that matter) is it’s not really its own color, but characterized by its environment. It reflects what’s around it, and in Batman’s case, wouldn’t that be the darkened streets of Gotham? Might not be so bad after all.

Wolverine Vs Sentinels

You ever feel like the odds are stacked against you? You know, like when you’re late for a meeting and every light is red? Or when you’re going to pick up a rotisserie chicken at 6PM? Or you buy a MegaMillions ticket when it passes $1 BILLION? Or when you’re a metallically enhanced superhuman with regenerative properties facing down three giant robots bent on your destruction, like the one here depicted by I Scream Clone? Yeah, like that.

Wolverine vs The Sentinels
Sentinel vs Wolverine

Red Skull's Ratrod

I have no idea what the genesis of this is. From a comic, from builder 2nd Life Bricks' imagination? I don't know, or care really, because it's awesome. And I could totally see Red Skull barreling down the highway in this beast, I like to imagine with classical music playing on the stereo (very loudly to be heard over that massive engine). Hail Hydra!


Tiny Avengers

What better way to celebrate the release of the latest Marvel movie, and the biggest box office smash in history, than with a teeny tiny micro build of the main characters, the Avengers. Builder 2 Much Caffeine took a literal handful of parts and assembled the greatest super-hero team ever to grace the pages of comics or the big screen (unless you're a Super Friends or Justice League fan, in which case I invite you to debate below).

Infinitely Small


I'm not familiar with the DC character Lobo, but after seeing this ginormous build by Shawn Snyder I'm now curious. This MOC is over 30" long, 18" wide and 17" tall, a truly colossal character build. And building at this scale allows for incredible levels of detail, just look at this baby. Shawn displays at BrickCon every year, so I'm hoping I'll get to see this in person in October.


Christmas With Batman And Harley

Even superheroes celebrate the holidays, but what do they give each other, especially with a relationship as complicated as Batman's and Harley's? Well according to builder vir-a-cocha Harley knows just what to get the caped crusader, batarangs and a grappling hook. And that looks like a huge hammer for Harley, they know each other so well.

Christmas Eve For Batman and Harley

Your Friendly Neighborhood Web-Head

I've never been too much into comics, they just weren't available in the little town I grew up in. But I did manage to get my grubby little paws on some occasionally, and my two favorites were Iron-Man and this guy, brilliantly built by umamen. I remember having several action figures of Spidey as a kid too, and none of them had the poseability of this brick-built one, making it even more impressive.

LEGO: Spiderman (28cm) [2/8]
LEGO: Spiderman (28cm) [1/8]

Deadpool Duck

I don't know why, but every time I see the name Deadpool Duck, I hear that terrible song by Rick Dees, Disco Duck. And as much as that sucks I can't help but think if this character was in a movie, that would be a pretty awesome theme song if it was done right. Meet Deadpool Duck, who recently shot to AFOL cult status and infamy after becoming one of the San Diego Comic Con exclusive figures. Now he's a fully brick-built figure thanks to builder DOGOD Brick Design.

s_DOGOD_Deadpool Duck_07
s_DOGOD_Deadpool Duck_01

The Flash Vs Captain Cold

No that's not Mr Freeze, he's Batman's nemesis. And no, it's not Blizzard, he hates Iron Man. It's Captain Cold! (man there's a lot of icy villains out there). This guy has been hassling The Flash since 1957, and here we see them in a sub-zero battle thanks to builder It's hard to be the fastest man on the planet when your feet are frozen to the ground huh?

The Flash VS Captain Cold
The Flash is trapped.


There's never a shortage of LEGO Batman on Flicr, so it takes some clever building or a hook to stand out. This MOC by gan.marco is a pretty sweet chibi style Batman, on a cool base with the bat's iconic symbol prominently displayed. But what makes this MOC stand out is the super secret miniature Batcave hidden in the base. Turn it around to reveal the teeniest, tiniest, cutest Tumbler you ever did see.

2016_Batman TDK 2
2016_Batman TDK 8
2016_Batman TDK 10

ROM: Spaceknight

So how long before we see a ROM movie from Marvel? If Guardians of the Galaxy can become a thing, why not ROM? Sure it's a comic inspired by a terrible toy that ended up being way more cool than said toy deserved. But with all the super heroes movies coming out, this guy could be a thing too. Until then we can admire this bust by SPARKART!

Rom: Spaceknight


European readers are more likely to recognize this canine character,  It's Obelix's trusty terrier Dogmatix (AKA Idefix) from the Asterix and Obelix comics. I've never read the comics, but I'm familiar with some of the characters, and instantly recognized this little guy. Builder grubaluk perfectly captures his character in this highly pose-able MOC. 

Idefix 1
Idefix 4

Holy Retrospective batman!

I love this! The batmobile has taken many live-action shapes, and it seems that filmmakers feel it's their duty to give us a new one with every new movie. But no matter which is your personal favorite (I'm sorta partial for the Burton one myself) you have to love them all at this mini scale by builder SPARKART. And all the figures to with them is a perfect finishing touch.

To the Batmobile!

Batman #20 Featuring The 1943 Batmobile

Holy retro action Batman! Comic Bricks seems to have resonated throughout the AFOL community. I really wish this MOC had been at D-Con 2014 so I could see it in person. I'm a sucker for a little retro, and I love this. I really dig the brick-built logo on the comic too, nice work Clayton Marchetti. Click through for more pics.