Can You Spot the Duplo Part in this Custom LEGO Motorcycle Masterpiece?

Can You Spot the Duplo Part in this Custom LEGO Motorcycle Masterpiece?

NPU. Nice Part Usage. This is a phrase that most LEGO builders love to hear. It means they have used a LEGO element in a new and unexpected way, yet it perfectly fits the overall model. If any build exudes NPU to me, it is this motorbike from Swedish builder o0ger.

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Vereftoi Radiante and Salamander Sword

Right about now you’re wondering who this is, so was I. Normally about that same time I’m thinking about the research I’m about to dive into so I can share this with at least some knowledge. But I’ll spare you the google, this is an original creation by Eero Okkonen, no deep dive necessary. If you want to learn more though there’s a ton of pictures and description on Eero’s website, and it’s an absolute treasure trove let me tell you.

Super Shiny Batpod

I have to admit once I got over the temporary paralysis upon first seeing this beauty by ianying616 I thought to myself “Batman would never ride a chrome Batpod”, but upon further thought I’m not so sure. The thing about chrome (and what makes it hard to illustrate, and render for that matter) is it’s not really its own color, but characterized by its environment. It reflects what’s around it, and in Batman’s case, wouldn’t that be the darkened streets of Gotham? Might not be so bad after all.

Silver Soul

Builder ianying616 is back with a whole lot of shininess. Just yesterday I was listening to a My Brother My Brother and Me podcast and they were talking about trikes. I don’t care who you are, if you show up on this lovely beast you’re going to some raised eyebrows and dropped jaws. If for no other reason than the guts to ride with your butt so close to open wheels like that.

Dodge Tomahawk

So. Much. Shiny. The Dodge Tomahawk may have never gotten past the concept phase, but you have to admit, she was a beauty. It was a radical design, that some would argue wasn’t really a motorcycle because it actually had four wheels, but I think it was through and through. This version by ianying616 has all the attitude of the real thing, and a heck of a lot of super shiny parts (my spirit animal is clearly a raccoon).

Harley Davidson Police Bike

How far back do you think police motorcycles have been used? Would it surprise you to learn that Harley Davidson credits Detroit Michigan as the first purchaser of a police bike back in 1908? That's right, over 100 years ago! Of course those were significantly different than this Electra Glide brilliantly recreated by builder brickthebrick. Just look at all that custom chrome, shiny!


Custom Harley Bagger

Custom parts (modified, chromed, printed, painted) tend to divide a lot of builders. Purists consider them "cheating" or somehow offensive. I'm actually pretty OK with them (at least the chromed and printed ones) mostly because I use them in animation a lot. It's hard to deny the results of a nicely assembled bit of quality chromed parts. You can't tell me the impact of this outrageous custom Harley by builder brickthebrick would be just the same with gray parts and limited official chrome, just look at that engine!



I love old motorcycles. The aesthetic, the utilitarian nature and the simplicity have always had an appeal. The earliest ones are my favorites, but even through the 60's bikes were being produced that had styling cues from their predecessors. This BMW R60 by young builder Maxime Cheng has a suburb level of detail, and captures the style perfectly. Some purists might want to look away though, if I'm not mistaken (and I usually am) there's several custom parts in this thing. But the results are so excellent I'm more than willing to overlook them.



I wish I could speak with more authority on this, but besides a long history of watching American Chopper, I don't know much about motorcycles. What I do know is this bike by redfern1950s has a cool retro feel about it, from the springs under the saddle to the color scheme and custom wheels. The photography is also stellar, it's not easy to shoot a MOC with this much black.

chopped ( honda engine )

Wasteland Roamer

My earliest memory is of my dad building his motorcycle in the garage. It was yellow and orange and that's about as much as I know about motorcycles. Growing up with this however has made me aware of the artistry and effort behind building and maintaining a bike. Builder Stephan Jonsson's chopper is an amazing display of this intricacy. The details put into this creation is what caught my eye, and the subtle use of color brings this hog to life.  

Wasteland Roamer