How We Used To Compute

Back when I was a young child, this is what computers looked like. I was in high school before they started showing up at everyone’s house. The incredible thing is, that phone in your pocket probably has more computing power and storage than this entire room (or one that this room represents, let’s face it this one is full of plastic toys). A totally retro build by Jalex.

Miss Utopia

I love the retro-future look of this dashing young lady by builder Kingmarshy. Meet Miss Utopia, pioneer of the future, exploring the solar system with her trusty robotic companion, GD-801. They both look ready for adventure, and for the cover of a classic 50's sci-fi pulp novel or movie poster. Wherever it is, I want to follow that adventure.

Fill 'Er Up!

It takes one look at a classic Coca-Cola machine, a vintage radio or even a gas pump to see how we as humans used to really care about aesthetics. While modern design can be nice, a truly beautiful item is rare these days, and always celebrated, which makes me wonder why there isn't more beautiful stuff? Builder Norton74 gets it, and has crafted this vintage gas pump, which served a simple purpose, and looked good doing it.

Fill 'er up!

Retro Kitchen

We blogged Chris McVeigh's retro fridge when it premiered way back in 2014. Ever since then he's been thinking about adding a matching range, and it's finally here! While I'm not sure these appliances would fit in to my existing kitchen, I'm really not opposed to redoing the whole thing around them (and we could get rid of these universally hated, tiled countertops!)

Retro Range, Refrigerator
Retro Range

50's Tow Truck

For as long as there's been cars on the roads, there's been cars breaking down on the roads. And through those many, many years the means to rescue said broken cars has remained essentially the same, a tow truck. While there's been many types of tow trucks, of course the ones in the 50's had the most character, like this beautiful beast by redfern1950s2. It would almost be worth the repair costs just to see this baby in person doing what it was designed to do.

1950's COE Tow Truck
1950's COE Tow Truck


There's just something about vehicles from the 50's isn't there? I realize automotive designs are always in motion, and fads come and go, but there was something about the sensibilities of 50's design that seems so inviting and eye pleasing. Even something as utilitarian as this truck by redfern1950s2 feels like more than just a practical service vehicle, it's got character.

1950's Flat Bed
1950's Flat Bed

Antique Style

You know a good signal you're getting old? When furniture and artifacts of your youth start being described as antique (also, when songs from high school are being played on the "oldies" station). I almost scrolled right past this retro interior build by Heksu. I just thought it was a picture of someone's living room from the thumbnail. One of my favorite mistakes to make.

Antique Style

Sweden Circa 1979

I've said it many times, the 70's weren't pretty, but there was an unquestionable earnestness to the era. The Gong Show was a thing, disco was on the radio and let's not talk about fashion, but it was all done with a brash energy and unapologetic gusto. Cars weren't pretty back then either, but they were necessary and everywhere. This scene from 1979 Sweden by builder LegoJalex captures the working class vibe perfectly, and feels so very 70's I wouldn't be surprised to see it's on a Thrifty "Twin Pic".

Somewhere in Sweden 1979

Play That Beat

I'm old enough to remember...when these were showing up in the antique stores (c'mon I'm not that old). Builder yo3l brings us a little retro sci-fi-fi tin toy action with this classic style toy robot. Although it does make me wonder how our robot overlords are going to conquer us by playing the drums. I appreciate a good beat, but you're not the boss of me.

LEGO MOC Tin Drum Robot


When I was a kid this is what audio entertainment looked like, the Hi-Fi (short for high fidelity). If it wasn't a huge console system cranking the tunes into your house, it was one of these. Just tune to your favorite radio station, adjust the equalizer and enjoy the music. Or punch in your favorite 8-Track (let's say Meco Star Wars, maybe Brothers Johnson) and get your groove on. An excellent retro build from Sad Brick, which ironically makes me happy.


20 Megabytes?! How Will We EVER Fill That?

Yes, that title is based on a true story. This computer reminds me of my wife's first computer, a 386 beast from Hewlett Packard, and it would have looked right at home on this wonderful retro desk by Chris McVeigh. There's so many details to love here, from the insertable floppies to the what is certainly a bit of a squeaky chair. There's even hidden details in the drawers that open. Stay tuned for building instructions too!

Everything new is old again

Esso Gas Station

1950's design and top-notch building come together in this exquisitely detailed Esso gas station by Norton74. Designed by famed Dutch architect Willem Marinus Dudok, these modernist gas stations dotted the Dutch landscape. Now we can all marvel at this brick-built version. The attention to detail is beyond reproach, with stylistic and realistic touches everywhere you look. 

Esso Gas Station designed by Dutch architect Dudok (1953)
Esso Gas Station designed by Dutch architect Dudok (1953)
Esso Gas Station designed by Dutch architect Dudok (1953)