Habitation on Hibernia: Literal LEGO Worldbuilding

Habitation on Hibernia: Literal LEGO Worldbuilding

Welcome to the fictional planet of Hibernia where LEGO builder Bongobert and his friends have created a world all their own. We take a close look at the story behind the evolving collab and the planet’s newest habitat MOC with some stellar golden arrays.

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Lean Mean Sci-Fi Machines!

Lean Mean Sci-Fi Machines!

I stumbled upon this gem of a dronuary build yesterday and was immediately taken by the aggressive near future military design aesthetic of the humanoid and walker style drones. Squad Sierra is a must-see. Builder ReD M is a master of high-quality sci-fi digital creations, including many that you might have seen during the height of the Hibernia Flickr community craze a few months ago. So it comes as no surprise that the latest build is another gem.

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Mass Effect Disciple Shotgun

You’ll no doubt be shocked to learn that I haven’t played Mass Effect (I say that about every game, maybe I should game more) but that doesn’t keep me from appreciating a sweet bit of sci-fi weaponry. This state of the art pew pew by Sheo looks like it leapt right off the screen, and is ready to mow down some baddies.

Coral Brick Road

Nothing to see here. Just three classic astronauts going on an adventure. All they have to do is follow this beautiful coral brick road by adde51 to get what their hearts desire. Maybe they are looking for heroic courage, an alien brain, or a magical heart? The possibilities are endless. All I know is that I can hear them cheerfully singing in the distance, something to do with finding a wizard.

"Antari Station In Quadrant 6, And Step On It"

I really dig this futuristic yet totally retro space taxi by builder ericteo_98, it looks like something right out of a movie. How awesome would it be to see this gliding through the sky against a sci-fi cityscape, dutifully delivering passengers to places we can only dream of. Of course this is the future, so the prices will be crazy too, but maybe the floor wouldn’t be nearly as sticky due to advanced material sciences (who am I kidding, we can’t have nice things).

Love, Death & Robots

I’m only a few episodes into Netflix’s new animated anthology series Love, Death & Robots, but the Three Robots short is definitely an early standout for me. Lu Sim made a MOC of one of the titular robots, who comes from a long line of baby monitors. He also created some fun alternate expressions for the lil’ guy. I wanna animate him!


Ah the Spinner, one of my favorite movie vehicles of all time. Blade Runner might have been a box office disappointment, but I chalk that up to studio meddling and very poor marketing. Since then the world has realized what a marvelous piece of filmmaking it is and it’s been influencing artists for decades. Like builder Davdup, who crafted this excellent Spinner, and will be offering instructions on how to build your own soon.

Miss Utopia

I love the retro-future look of this dashing young lady by builder Kingmarshy. Meet Miss Utopia, pioneer of the future, exploring the solar system with her trusty robotic companion, GD-801. They both look ready for adventure, and for the cover of a classic 50's sci-fi pulp novel or movie poster. Wherever it is, I want to follow that adventure.

Battlestar Galactica

Following the premiere of Star Wars way back in the 70's there was a sudden and prolific flood of sci-fi, most of which was pretty bad. But there was one shining star (pun intended), Battlestar Galactica. It's the only one with any staying power, enough so to build a loyal fan base. Fast forward a few decades and that same fan base was capable of spurring a reboot, expanding the universe and bringing it to a new generation of fans. One long time fan is BrickNerd's own El Barto, who has constructed this beautiful beast. She's 140 studs long and weighs almost 30 pounds. Check out the contours and complex compound curves on this, it's a true labor of love.

Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar Galactica

Alien Covenant Lifter

I haven't seen Alien Covenant yet (yeah, I'm a bad nerd sometimes), but I have seen lots of the designs from the film. The first time I saw this lifter (and a few other vehicles) by legendary designer Steve Berg I knew it was only a matter of time before we saw them in bricks. This one practically looks like LEGO in the film, it's just it's natural state. Builder AL13N163NA totally nailed the look of this very industrial ship, it looks pretty much camera ready. Fun fact: I got my first big break in film when I got a hot tip from a friend while attending Steve Berg's bachelor party, funny how Hollywood works.


Here's a fun fact: I once sculpted E.T. out of Tootsie Roll! With a lack of clay in the house I noticed that Tootsie was actually a pretty decent sculpting material. It turned out pretty good if I do say so myself, and was a great conversational piece for many months. That is until the day I went in my room and found E.T. dangling out of my little sister's mouth (true story). This lumpy little guy was a fixture of my adolescent years, and this version by LegoJalex brings back a flood of feels. The build quality is fantastic, but it's the scenes and lighting that really bring him to life.

E.T. is getting the idea to build the communicator
E.T. - Phone Home
E.T. model in LEGO

A Herculean Effort

I know what you're thinking. "A post about a SHIP? It's not September yet!" But Migalart apparently didn't get the memo, and I'm not complaining. He says this was his first attempt at a SHIP, which makes this awesome build, named Hercules, even more impressive. There's a lot of great detail in this, from the texturing on the main panels to the center greebling. I particularly like the tiny windows on the front, they really give the ship a great sense of scale. And that photo edit is just gorgeous!


Update: Migalert uploaded a new pic with some tweaks and no effects, what an insanely cool design and execution.

Herkules - no special effects

The Journey

As a child I often browsed through the sci-fi section at used book stores just to see the amazing cover art.  There's just something about seeing a bit of sci-fi art completely out of context that stimulates my imagination.  Sometimes I could come up with a story or a single scene to accompany the picture and other times I was just left thinking about what was actually going on in the story.  "The Journey" by SweStar looks like something straight from an obscure sci-fi novella and does not offer a description for why the traveller is approaching a metal-and-icicle tree, and perhaps that is for the best.

The Journey