Patterson Seafood Corp.

Humans have been harvesting from the sea since we were smart enough to realize there's quite a bit of yummy food in there. Over the years the technology might have advanced a bit, but when it comes down to it, it's really just people in boats that make it all happen. This MOC by builder Arjan Oude Kotte features these very people and those very boats, and you can practically smell the salt air and hear the waves lapping and seagulls.

Patterson Seafood corp.
Patterson Seafood corp.

Titanic On The High Seas

We're all familiar with the name Titanic. It's become synonymous with tragedy or failure. But that description couldn't be further from truth with this awesome animated mechanical MOC by builder Bangooh. With a crank of the handle the Titanic sails one again, while the ocean waves swell by. Check out the video to see it in action.

LEGO MOC Titanic Automaton - Bangoo
LEGO MOC Titanic Automaton - Bangoo

Sea Battle

For the uninitiated NPU stands for "nice part use", it's an abbreviation reserved for those MOCs with part use so clever it borders on mind-blowing. Those parts tend to be those ones that are languishing in a bin, ignored and unused because they're simply too special and one-use. This mini sea battle by builder the_jetboy is a perfect example of NPU. Those boat hulls are Chima Speedorz. That's not the only excellent feature of this MOC though, it's awesome everywhere you look, click through for more pics.

Sea Battle
Sea Battle

Coastguard Cutter

Being a California native, the coastline is part of my life, and I'm thankful for the service of the men and women of the Coastguard. This MOC by  mmbace captures the cutter perfectly, including the iconic red stripe at the front (brick-built even!). This ship is one of the coolest in all the branches, usurped only by the Navy hovercraft fleet in my opinion.

Reliance Class US Coast Guard Cutter

Micro Fishing Village

Maybe I haven't had enough tea yet on this first day of school, but it took me way too long to realize this was a micro build (something I'm always impressed with). I don't normally feature digital builds (get your bricks out!) but I'm really impressed with this little fishing village by mmbace. There's so much detail! He's also submitted it as a Cuusoo project, I think I'll add my support. 
