
Me and a friend of mine were talking about this guy at lunch a couple days ago. He’s reading The Making of Alien book (still need to get my copy) and the story of how Ridley Scott came to direct and how HR Giger landed the job of designer is interesting. It’s just one of those series of events in life that seem pretty uneventful in time, but when looking back, it was fate. And the result is one of the most iconic creatures ever to grace the screen, and make us scream. The version by Build Better Bricks will get your heart pumping too, and what’s even better is you can buy instructions for him and build your own!

The Making of Alien
By J.W. Rinzler

Alien Turns 40

Yesterday while we were celebrating my wife’s birthday there was another birthday getting some recognition, the movie Alien. On May 25th 1979 Ridley Scott changed everything about science fiction and horror, and this was one of the pivotal moments in the film, brilliantly recreated by Ochre Jelly on it’s 40th anniversary. Let this be a lesson to you kids, don’t go poking your head into strange eggs on a distant world, no matter how cool your costume is.

Into The Unknown

When I was little, growing up to be an astronaut was all the rage. With our head in the stars, we dreamed about distant galaxies and meting aliens along the way. But this moc by Ralf Langer is nothing like that. This is not the colorful domaine of cute and friendly aliens from cartoons, and judging by the state of this facility the last thing these aliens are thinking about is having a good time. As this astronaut ventures deep into the alien compound, he might just send out one last message into the stars: “This is Brickley last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off”.

Alien Construct

As if being on a strange world lightyears from home wasn't disconcerting enough, now your team has come across this structure in the middle of the jungle. I'd give that about a 8/10 on the pucker scale. It might be easy to glance right over this MOC by Blufiji. From the thumbnail it is deceptively simple, but really look at that structure, it's futuristic and ancient at the same time. Look at the trees, familiar and totally alien all at once. There's a lot of subtlety going on here.

Alien Construct
Alien Construct

A Fate Worse Than Getting Blown Out Of An Airlock

Builder dvdliu has an interesting thought experiment. What if xenomorphs (the aliens in the Alien movies) developed developed a civilized and "normal" lifestyle? Well, here's a peek at what that might look like, and it's sort of dreary. Yes, I wouldn't wish a desk job, especially wearing a tie, on anyone...or anything. 

Alien in Office
Alien in Office

Alien Nerve Center

I love it when a builder revisits a MOC. I don't mean dust it off and maybe swap out a few pieces, I mean when they take the original concept and totally revamp it, taking advantage of new parts and colors. Builder mihaimariusmihu has done just that with this disturbingly beautiful alien apparatus. Not only did the MOC get revamped, but there's an elaborate back story as well, click through to read.

ALIEN Assimilators - Alien Nerve Center (revised)

Motion Tracker

I love props, especially fan-built props. Seriously, you'd think after 30 years in the movie biz I'd be over that crap, but no (did you see the blaster I built?). And that extends to props from video games, like this absolutely awesome motion tracker from the game Alien: Isolation by Nick Brick. As usual, Nick nailed the look, and always one to "plus it up" he added lighting effects as well. I want one of these!

Motion Tracker - Alien: Isolation
Motion Tracker - Alien: Isolation

Alien Covenant Lifter

I haven't seen Alien Covenant yet (yeah, I'm a bad nerd sometimes), but I have seen lots of the designs from the film. The first time I saw this lifter (and a few other vehicles) by legendary designer Steve Berg I knew it was only a matter of time before we saw them in bricks. This one practically looks like LEGO in the film, it's just it's natural state. Builder AL13N163NA totally nailed the look of this very industrial ship, it looks pretty much camera ready. Fun fact: I got my first big break in film when I got a hot tip from a friend while attending Steve Berg's bachelor party, funny how Hollywood works.

The Pilgrim

Vince Toulouse has come up with a fascinating character here using some parts from a Gladiator set.  Since I'm completely unfamiliar with that particular theme, I wasn't sure if this creation was even LEGO.  But it is!  And certainly alien, although at the same time, with a familiar purposeful determination.  I can't wait to read the book!

The Pilgrim

Alien Vs Predator

And when I say "vs" it's not in the context of these two fighting, it's more of a "cute-off". Yes, two of the most feared adversaries seem to be in a battle to out ugly each other, but failing miserably because they're so darned adorable. I think if the crew of the Nostromo or Arnold had been up against these two the results might have been far more "squee". Nice build Mr. Brickman.

Predator & Alien

Alien vs Predator

Hunting in a Central American Jungle?  Ffft!  Playing hide and seek on a space mining ship?  Pshaw!  What better arena to prove one's skill as a warrior than a skateboard race!?!  Grantmasters has come up with an exciting scene featuring everybody's favorite homicidal extra-terrestrials.  And they're catching some serious air--Wicked! 

SK8 or Die

Bizarre Alien Hovercraft

You do not want to get rammed by this vehicle!  Nannan Zhang created an interesting design for an alien hover vehicle, featuring blue elements on the side really cause this creation to pop.  What I find interesting are the "tires," which are a very futuristic and sleek design.  (Obviously they're not tires, but I don't know what else to call them.)  Can you imagine a squadron of these hovering down the street?  That would be pretty cool!  Nice job creating a super unique design, Nannan!


Nathaniel Stoner

     My name is Nathaniel Stoner, and I am an very active LEGO builder.  I mostly build in the themes of castle and science-fiction, but I also dabble in other genres and create occasional random MOC's (My Own Creations). 

     When I was younger, I would get and build small LEGO sets for my birthday, but I was never really into them.  When they fell apart, I would become frustrated attempting to put them back together and would throw them in a box in my closet.  I couldn't stand them!

     Then, miraculously, I became addicted to the LEGO brick later in my teen years.  Ever since, I have continued to build up (pun intended) my collection of bricks and to expand my knowledge of techniques and building skills.  LEGO is truly more than a toy, its an art form and a way to express yourself.

     For the most part, I collect LEGO Star Wars (mainly the minifigs), which is probably my favorite LEGO theme.  I have a fairly decent collection, including some of the original 1999 sets, such as the Snowspeeder, X-Wing, and Naboo starfighter.  I also collected LEGO the Lord of the Rings when those sets first came out.  The minifigs are great, and the story remains one of my favorites ever. 

     My hope is to inspire other young (and perhaps even older) LEGO builders to unleash their inner creativity!  You can find me on my Flikr here

The MOC Is Bursting With Awesomeness

The Arvo Brothers are back, with another jaw dropping, chest bursting, awe inspiring MOC. Everyone remembers the first time they saw Alien, hopefully before someone spoiled it for them (and with that being said, SPOILERS AHEAD) and when this adorable little dude bursted out of Kane's chest after everything seemed back to normal. This is the second version of this iconic creature from the Arvo Brothers, the last one being from 2007. Building instructions are available by contacting them at and soon on their website.

LEGO Alien Chestburster

Xenomorphs Are A Pain In The Chest

Can something be cute and horrifying at the same time? I'd argue it can, just check out this adorable, I mean horrible chest burster from Paddy Bricksplitter. Sure it will kill you, but I think in those few seconds before you died you might experience just a fleeting moment of appreciate for how cute this guy is. Sort of a" squee to scream" moment.


Giger's Workshop

You just never know what the seed of inspiration will be. Sometimes it's a figure, sometimes it's a new way of connecting, sometimes it's a new part. Builder Grantmasters thought Starlord's weapon looked sort of like the derelict ship in Alien, and an entire MOC evolved around it. Now it's a ship in the middle of H.R. Giger's workshop, and it's a detailed, NPU eye feast.

The Derelict

Get Away From Her You...

Who can ever forget that first time you saw Aliens and the queen showed up at the end (spoilers?) After the first 90% of the movie that was already like riding a rollercoaster with your hair on fire holding a rabid cat this baby pops out of the drop ship and you soil your seat. Well now Sir Nadroj has build a brick version of her and she's a beauty. May I suggest a power suit and Ripley next? Has to be done Jordan, get to work.

Xenomorph Queen
Xenomorph Queen

Space Jockey

It's the second moment in Ridley Scott's masterpiece Alien where you're just going "what the heck?" with feelings of dread and wonder painfully intermixed. The discovery of the large alien being, apparently killed by something that burst out of it's chest, the "space jockey". It's so bizarre, so complexly alien that it's hard to wrap your head around, and it leaves you unsettled. And things just got worse for the crew from there. Builder GeoffreyWelch does this Giger inspired cinematic icon justice.

1979 Alien Space Jockey
1979 Alien Space Jockey