Garden Dragon

Ah, we found it! The beautiful garden dragon. These incredibly rare and mostly nocturnal creatures are not indigenous to the area, but have thrived in secrecy since their introduction by a mysterious cult in the late 1960’s. While they’re not aggressive they do have sharp teeth and a hallucinogenic venom which gave them the nickname “spook dragons” from the vivid and scary visions associated with their bite. I’m not going to make eye contact, but just back away slowly…

beautiful build timofey_tkachev

Stag Beetle

On the sunny central coast of California we enjoy a fairly bug-free life. Sure, there are trillions of them, but they really don't bother us, few bite or sting, and most are so small they go unnoticed. So, I think if I saw one of these in real life I might have a mini heart attack, even if they are completely harmless. A brilliant MOC by Grant Davis.

Stag Beetle

"If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It."

The Predator was not only a really fun, badass, creative and original story, it had one of the best creature designs ever. I mean for a "dude in a suit", it was absolutely awesome. Builder Takamichi Irie has combined high skill, creative parts use and a clear love of the character to build this guy at a scale I wouldn't have thought possible, at least with this amount of detail.

Predator Wolf


Dragonflies are one of those creatures that captivates everyone's imagination. Even if you see them all the time, you have to pause to appreciate one. Their elegant wings, slender body and iridescent surface makes them unique and beautiful. Speaking of beautiful, check out this dragonfly by Takamichi Irie, with some incredible flex tube work on the wings, gorgeous!



The Niffler, a burrowing magical creature native to Great Britain with a mischievous nature and a penchant for anything shiny. If you saw Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them you got to see one of these little rascals at his best (worst?). This version by The Deathly Halliwell absolutely nails him, and makes we want to watch the movie again.



It seems no one can post a picture of a vaguely reptilian winged beast without a dragon vs wyvern debate starting up. I'm starting to wonder if we need a new word that encompasses all the beasts. Sort of like "bird" covers everything from eagles to finches. I don't know what that word may be, please feel free to comment below and nominate your word. In the mean time, please enjoy this "weast" (winged beast) by builder jaapxaap.

TT17 R1: Ssajiir

Cyricus The Kingbreaker

Being a king isn't easy. First there's all the whining, about land disputes, taxes, arranged marriages, etc. Then there's the matter of the parades and public appearances, you know why they wave that way? Because they have to do it for hours and it gets tiring. Then there's the fact that it seems someone is always trying to kill you, and if not someone then something, like this big black dragon by Mark of Falworth. Personally, I like being the jester.

Cyricus the Kingbreaker
Cyricus the Kingbreaker

The MOC Is Bursting With Awesomeness

The Arvo Brothers are back, with another jaw dropping, chest bursting, awe inspiring MOC. Everyone remembers the first time they saw Alien, hopefully before someone spoiled it for them (and with that being said, SPOILERS AHEAD) and when this adorable little dude bursted out of Kane's chest after everything seemed back to normal. This is the second version of this iconic creature from the Arvo Brothers, the last one being from 2007. Building instructions are available by contacting them at and soon on their website.

LEGO Alien Chestburster


One of the things that got people so hyped for The Force Awakens was the promised return to a more practical approach to filmmaking, real sets, real costumes, real creatures. This guy was one of the first alien life forms we saw in a video shared by JJ during production, and we all went nuts. Now Takamichi Irie has built him in brick, and we can all go nuts again.
