Back In Black

You know him, you love him. He’s darkest of knights, the moodiest of brutes, the richest of bit… alright, maybe I shouldn’t finish that sentence. Anyways it’s the one and only Batman! With just some black and a bit of very very dark grey, timofey_tkachev was able to bust out a great rendition of this iconic super hero to celebrate his 80th anniversary! Now all that’s left to do is to pull out some old comic books or perhaps some episodes of the 1960’s Batman tv series to reminisce on just how far the Dark Knight has come.

What's On Your Mind?

According to Blue Builder this is what’s been on her mind the last couple years, and I think we can all relate to some level. Inside my head is a constant battle and noise of wanting to create, needing to provide, compulsion to make those around me happy and entertained and the need to shut the world out. We all have our demons, our light side and dark side, and finding the balance makes us human. And learning to understand and express those feeling, for instance building something this thought provoking and beautiful, is a wonderful way of exploring them.

Sylvanas Windrunner

I love when a MOC absolutely stops me in my tracks. Not that I’m really scrolling Flickr when I’m walking, but the whole world just stops, and I stare. That’s precisely the reaction to this sculpture of Sylvanas Windrunner by builder timofey_tkachev. The good news is you can build your own world stopping version of this because he has released building instructions, how cool is that?

The Most Feared Bounty Hunter In The Galaxy

Science has not been able to adequately describe or justify the popularity of Boba Fett. When The Empire Strikes Back came out in 1980 he was already a legend, having been the subject of much anticipation as an mail-in action figure. Then he was in the movie for a grand total of less than seven minutes and spoke 27 words…And we didn’t care at all, he was AWESOME. Speaking of awesome, check out this bust by bruceywan, he did the bounty hunter justice.

Old "What's His Name"

I’m not going to make this post about how this isn’t Frankenstein, that’s the doctor, it’s his monster. I’m also not going to insist his name is actually Adam, that’s not technically correct either. In the book he says (yeah, the monster speaks) “I ought to be thy Adam”, but that’s a suggestion the good Doctor ignores. The fact is he has no name, as if being a reanimated collection of corpse parts wasn’t bad enough, the poor guy doesn’t even have a name. What he does have is a loyal fan following, including DOGOD Brick Design, who crafted this wonderful likeness.


Gotta Catch 'Em All

I've been spending a lot more time on Twitch lately, not so much under the BrickNerd persona, but as our sister site (and my latest harebrained scheme) Nerds&Makers. But of course I still love the bricks, so I've spent quite a bit of time hanging out in the brick builder's channels, including BrickinNick. So I had the opportunity to actually watch this MOC come into being over the course of a few days. It's been interesting to watch other builders, makes me want to build more. Then I remember I have a whole new website and community to build (what have I done?)

Ash & Pikachu

Red Sonja

I remember a Red Sonja movie (at least I think I remember it) I remember not liking it much. And as you know I'm not much of a comic reader so I really don't know much about her. And I'm to irritated from a day-long wait for a shipment from Billund and wheezy from all the smoke to bother to research her. I'll just be ignorant and admire this bust from builder vitreolum. Yeah, I said "bust", what of it?

Red Sonja Bust

Jango Fett

While I'm no fan of the prequels there are a few diamonds in the rough. I didn't care for most of the new characters introduced, but I found Jango Fett compelling. And seeing Boba's origin story was interesting, if a bit weird. I like this Jango bust by builder tankm, by utilizing some key parts from the Constraction figure, mainly the helmet, chest plate and shoulders, and doing some very clever System building, the two are combined to great effect.



It's everyone's favorite hell-spawn with a heart of gold, Hellboy. I'm a fan of this movie, and the fact that I played a completely insignificant role in it's making fills me with strangely misplaced pride. According to the builder vitreolum, he really enjoys building these busts. I find that encouraging because I certainly enjoy seeing them (and of course sharing them with you).


It's a Trap!

Our old pal Eero Okkonen has come up with an impressive bust of the Mon Calamari Admiral we all know and love.   Everything with this creation is spot on, and he looks like he's about to bark an order to the Rebel Fleet.  The Admiral has appeared in several Star Wars movies, but is probably most famous when his keen strategic instincts kicked in during the Battle of Endor.  When those shields didn't drop, he realized the Empire was up to... something fishy...  Sorry, just had to.

Admiral Ackbar


I will admit I've never heard of Leonid Yakubovich, but that's not unusual. Here in the states we get no exposure to Russian entertainment. Not to say you can't find it, I'm sure you could, but you have to go looking. And since I don't speak Russian, there's not much reason for me to. But I do appreciate a good character build, and after a bit of research this guy appears to be a character indeed. A wonderful caricature by builder vir-a-cocha.


The Dark Knight

The world has sorta gone Batman crazy (and regular crazy come to think of it) with the looming debut of the LEGO Batman Movie. I can relate, I'm so excited we're giving away a complete set of Minifigures and tickets to see the movie! So while I may not have been surprised to see this bust of Gotham's Dark Knight by builder havoccnp, that doesn't mean I didn't go "oooooooh" as soon as I laid eyes on it.



Batman didn't get to be the most popular super hero by having super strength, or super speed, or  alien technology, or any super power. And he certainly didn't get there for the ability to talk to fish. He got there by being super scrappy, super well trained and let's face it, super rich. But no one will dispute the absolute badassery of bats, and this bust by Carson Hart captures said badassery perfectly.

Sir Isaac Newton

Builder VAkkron is celebrating one of the greatest scientific minds the world has ever known, Sir Isaac Newton. But this isn't just a wonderful likeness, it opens to reveal small scenes from his life, studies and tells his story. There's even a working miniature orrery to study planetary motion. An exceedingly clever MOC to celebrate an exceedingly clever man.

Isaac Newton
Newton's Early Life (Left Side) Woolsthorpe; Cambridge; Apple Tree
Newton's Later Life (Right Side)
Orrery Close-Up (Laws of Motion)

Space Monkey

I only discovered builder LEGO 7 last week when I blogged his marvelous Darth Vader sculpture and scene. I don't think this is old enough to qualify as MOCstalgia being as it's from last January, but I missed it then and it's time to correct that oversight. Meet Space Monkey, an awesome intergalactic chimp. I love the subtle pose-ability and expressive eyebrows of this character build. He seems to be part of a bigger story, a story that I want to know.

Space Monkey-1
Space Monkey-2
Space Monkey-3