
It's everyone's favorite hell-spawn with a heart of gold, Hellboy. I'm a fan of this movie, and the fact that I played a completely insignificant role in it's making fills me with strangely misplaced pride. According to the builder vitreolum, he really enjoys building these busts. I find that encouraging because I certainly enjoy seeing them (and of course sharing them with you).


The Samaritan

This post seems perfectly timed with San Diego Comic-Con kicking off today. This is the Samaritan, Hellboy's larger-than-life paranormal peacekeeper by builder Si-MOCs. This is way out of Simon's wheelhouse and an absolutely stunning build, and to find out it was built as a secret santa gift makes it all the more impressive to me. Hellboy would be proud.

Hellboy's Good Samaritan

Brick Buddies

Here's a cute and squee-riffic collection from one of my favorite builders, KOS brick. He calls these Brick Buddies, I call them adorable. They're like Nerdly's pop culture cousins, and I want my own collection of them immediately. Click through for even more of these cuddly little wonders.

Batman - Tim Burton
Darth Vader - Star Wars
Luke Skywalker - Star Wars


I only peripherally got to work on Hellboy, but I did help, and I'm proud of it since it's an awesome movie. Speaking of awesome, check out this way cool MOC of Red himself by The Dealthly Halliwell. It's like a hybrid of the movie and comic versions of Hellboy, and it's very successful. The MOC isn't new, but it's finally been glamor shot so we can all enjoy it.
