Iron Man

I wouldn’t classify myself as a diehard Marvel fan, there’s been quite a few of the movies I’ve skipped. It’s not that I had anything against them, I just wasn’t interested. I may be suffering a from a bit of super hero fatigue, but I’m also perfectly fine with it. Some of the characters just don’t grab me, but one that does, and one of the movies that absolutely nailed it, was the first Iron Man. While I wasn’t a big comic reader as a kid, I was a Spiderman and Iron Man fan, and I’ll admit I was really skeptical when they announced it. But I loved it, still do, so this excellent sculpture of Iron Man by Aaron Brick Designer instantly had my attention.

Wonder Woman

I will admit that when I heard there was going to be a modern Wonder Woman movie I was skeptical, especially considering the track record of DC movies (I’m looking at your Batman Vs Superman) but I was very pleasantly surprised by Gal Gadot’s portrayal and Patty Jenkin’s direction (can we PLEASE get some more female directors Hollywood?) There’s still a soft spot in my heart for Linda Carter, but this new Wonder Woman kicks some serious butt. And this sculpture of her by builder manufacturajarema kicks an equal amount of said butt.

Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman

Wolverine Vs Sentinels

You ever feel like the odds are stacked against you? You know, like when you’re late for a meeting and every light is red? Or when you’re going to pick up a rotisserie chicken at 6PM? Or you buy a MegaMillions ticket when it passes $1 BILLION? Or when you’re a metallically enhanced superhuman with regenerative properties facing down three giant robots bent on your destruction, like the one here depicted by I Scream Clone? Yeah, like that.

Wolverine vs The Sentinels
Sentinel vs Wolverine


Batman didn't get to be the most popular super hero by having super strength, or super speed, or  alien technology, or any super power. And he certainly didn't get there for the ability to talk to fish. He got there by being super scrappy, super well trained and let's face it, super rich. But no one will dispute the absolute badassery of bats, and this bust by Carson Hart captures said badassery perfectly.

What a Shocker!

This is David Lee's moc of the lead character from the 1970's Manga series 'Kamen Rider'.     For those unfamiliar, the storyline revolved around an organisation called 'Shocker' who - in their bid for world domination - captured citizens, brainwashed them and turned them into mutant cyborgs. Takeshi Hongo escaped their grasp, became a grass-hopper themed superhero and battled against Shocker's army. Kamen Rider 1 appears confident and ready for battle in this build, although he does look a little bug-eyed!

Lego - Kamen Rider v3

Diana Of Themyscira

There's a lot of inspired building in this version of Wonder Woman by ToaLeewan. It seems super simple at first, but that's only because it's so clean. I'm sure we're going to be seeing a lot more of this lovely lady now that she's got her own movie in the works. And if we can just keep Zack Snyder from sinking his mediocre claws into it, it might be good.

Diana of Themyscira

ROM: Spaceknight

So how long before we see a ROM movie from Marvel? If Guardians of the Galaxy can become a thing, why not ROM? Sure it's a comic inspired by a terrible toy that ended up being way more cool than said toy deserved. But with all the super heroes movies coming out, this guy could be a thing too. Until then we can admire this bust by SPARKART!

Rom: Spaceknight

The Bottle City Of Kandor

Not being totally steeped in comics as a youth means I do get to enjoy one perk, continual surprises. Today I learned about the inspiration of this MOC of Kandor, the capital city of Krypton. It was shrunk and preserved by Brainiac and eventually recovered by Superman and kept in the Fortress of Solitude. Now it's a beautiful LEGO sculpture by Ken Robichaud.

The Bottle City of Kandor

To The Batmobile!

Holy iconic TV cars Batman! The Adam West Batman series was years into re-runs before I ever started watching it, but once we discovered it we couldn't get enough. Sure it was campy, yes it was over-the-top, of course it was silly. That was the point and everyone knew it. And what kid didn't want to be Batman (or at least Robin) and cruise around in the Batmobile? This version by flailx is one of the best representations of this particular Batmobile I've ever seen.

1966 Batmobile
1966 Batmobile (rear)
1966 Batmobile (with figures)

Holy Retrospective batman!

I love this! The batmobile has taken many live-action shapes, and it seems that filmmakers feel it's their duty to give us a new one with every new movie. But no matter which is your personal favorite (I'm sorta partial for the Burton one myself) you have to love them all at this mini scale by builder SPARKART. And all the figures to with them is a perfect finishing touch.

To the Batmobile!

Jumbo Machinder Batman

Kids from the decade that brought us The Gong Show, bell bottoms and Star Wars will remember these large iconic robots from across the sea. Well thanks to the creative mind of builder MacLane we're going to get a whole series of these soon. It's LEGO meets super heroes meets 70's Japanese robots, and I can't wait to see more.

Jumbo Machinder Batman

Double Decker Avengers

This colossal MOC by OliveSeon is an impressive blend of actual LEGO sets and mad building skills. If you look closely you'll see modified versions of the Grand Emporium, Palace Theater, Pet Store and more. Plus of course the Helicarrier and a number of other vehicles. The Avengers Tower looks like it's build from no less than 10-12 official tower sets, this MOC was a serious investment.

Holy Swinging Blade Of Death Batman!

I do believe that if I found myself a billionaire vigilante, with a penchant for gadgets and black everything (and sometimes very dark gray), I don't think I'd be too keen to have a spastic teenage sidekick. I know there's plenty of Robin fans out there, but builder captain smog is clearly not one of them.

Evil contraption
Don't disturb my break
Evil mastermind in action


Builder tkh / ieyasu has added to this already impressive group of super heroes with the addition of Batman and Green Lantern. I'd say now they're ready to take on just about any challenge. I like how the basic structure is the same on these figs but each is totally unique, and awesome.


Marvel Mixel Masterpieces

As the world's nerd population descends upon San Diego California (this nerd included) all manner of dedication to the universe of comics and pop culture is on display. Builder monsterbrick has assembled his own band of heroes mashing up Marvel and the fabulous ball joints from the Mixels line (with a few fun eyeballs to boot). There's some seriously pose-able super hero action going on here.

Monster's Marvel Mixel Masterpieces
Punisher Sentinel Series
Wolverine Sentinel Series
Thor of Asgard Sentinel Series

Ready For The Night?

SM seeks SF

I'm seeking a lady who likes adventure, and isn't afraid of the dark. I enjoy the night life, I like to boogie. I really enjoy gadgets and dressing up for a evening on the town. I have my own car (several in fact) so I can pick you up. While I do spend plenty of time in my parent's basement, I actually own the house since I was orphaned as a child. 

If interested please see Commissioner Gordon, he knows how to contact me.

Batmobile - 2 (Slanted w/ fig)