First Position Goes To...

David Hughes - I just don't know how he does it! He has brought Tanaquil Le Clercq to life in this model of the dancer from 'Afternoon of a Faun'. The build consists of around 3,000 LEGO bricks and is Hughes' "most complicated build to date", requiring a lot of scaffolding whilst in progress. Despite the fact the bricks used here are straight-edged, the dancers' curves are streamline and soft. Their strength, passion and fluidity are all captured perfectly.

Afternoon of a Faun


I'm a big fan of zombie related stuff so Legovore's creation really appealed to me. I love the effect of the loose wooden floorboards that lead to the creaky old staircase. I love the window that's been smashed by a zombie trying to enter the mansion (he clearly didn't see the open door!) with the broken glass beneath and the curtains above that look like they're holding on for dear life. The lighting on the door gives it that creepy feeling and I'd definitely be running too!


Check Mate

Ok so I've got to admit, I'm not a massive fan of the LEGO Friends sets (mainly I just don't like the figures) but SuzEaton has won me over with this chess set. Each piece is themed, including a skier, halloween witch, DJ and bakers. The queen piece is represented by a prom queen and the king features one of the Friends as a mechanic. I strongly suggest checking out the individual pieces via the album. This half of the board fits together with a LEGO Elves themed board built by Suz's husband.

LEGO Friends Chess Set (better pic coming soon)

There Is A House. Like No House On Earth....

....and it belongs to the Mad Hatter. This ridiculously insane creation is by Brick Blue Wren and is bursting with detail. From the chandelier to the Hatter's hats - there's even a collection of feathers, bows and hat boxes. The spiral staircase within the hat-shaped structure comes complete with a handrail built from LEGO levers and the knobs appear to be a pair of chocolate muffins! It gets curiouser and curiouser the more you look!

Hatters house interior

Buckbeak and Black Break Free

With Buckbeak and Sirius Black facing the end of their existence, Harry and Hermione race against time as they use a 'time-turner' to save the beloved Hippogriff and Harry casts a Patronus Charm to escape the Dementors. Kevin Wollert has perfectly captured the scene of Sirius riding Buckbeak to their safety using minifigscale, and microscale for Hogwarts as it disappears from sight. I'm sure there was no magic spell used to create this enchanting piece.

022 - Blacks escape with Buckbeak

A Feat of LEGOistics

Joshua Brooks takes us back to 1776 with this incredible MOC of the 'Noble Train of Artillery'. He's captured the wintery season with the snow-covered landscape and browning trees. The cannon and structures used by the cattle and horses to pull them are so true to form. Despite the fact Knox's Expedition took troops 3 months to complete, these minifgs still seem to have smiles on their faces!

Noble Train of Artillery, America 1776

Simply Maleficent!

The first things to really strike me about Johnnie Tee's representation of this scene from Maleficent, were the stained glass and floor tiling. They are so precise and authentic. Johnnie Tee explains that he was looking to create "gothic chic luxury befitting a young princess" and I think he's got this spot on! The details on the bed such as the feet and whips, along with the golden furnishings, create a sense of elegance. Aurora can be seen smiling and holding Maleficent's hand in this LEGO moc of the the 'True Love's Kiss' scene.

Disney CMF # 2: Maleficent - 'True Love's Kiss' Scene

Pure Genie-us

LEGO 7 has granted a wish for the Genie and upgraded his "itty bitty living space"! This is the perfect moc for the LEGO Disney minifigures of Aladdin and the Genie in my opinion - and they're off with Jasmine to find a whole new world. The magic carpet is along for the ride too and is really brought to life with the interlocking pieces to create a sense of movement. Don't be fooled by it's commonplace appearance, for things aren't always as they seem.....

Aladdin's lamp-3
Aladdin's lamp-5

And I Know When That Hotline Bling....

This LEGO vignette by Nannan Zhang perfectly depicts some of the gameplay in Hotline Miami. The main minifig is 'Jacket' who wears a variety of masks as he takes on the local Russian Mafia, following instructions left on his answer machine. This scene sees Jacket bursting through the door and shooting one mob member whilst wealding a bat ready to take on the next. I really love the use of the red crystal in the back of the minifig that's been shot - it really creates a sense of impact! Also the dark red tiles under the dead minifig by the door as the blood spills over the floor.

Hotline Miami

What a Shocker!

This is David Lee's moc of the lead character from the 1970's Manga series 'Kamen Rider'.     For those unfamiliar, the storyline revolved around an organisation called 'Shocker' who - in their bid for world domination - captured citizens, brainwashed them and turned them into mutant cyborgs. Takeshi Hongo escaped their grasp, became a grass-hopper themed superhero and battled against Shocker's army. Kamen Rider 1 appears confident and ready for battle in this build, although he does look a little bug-eyed!

Lego - Kamen Rider v3

Steaming Through the Jungle

These explorers are off on a jungle adventure aboard skiz0f0x's steampunk elephant. This build incorporates a great combination of LEGO cogs, tracks and wheels as well as some more unusual aspects like the chests, weapons and divers helmet (which is definately my favourite element!). This piece warrants a good zoom in to check out all the details. The adventurers are well prepared with everything from guns for protection to champagne for celebrating!

Steampunk elephant, thanks to CASTOR-TROY for the motivation !

Meet Matteo 4.0

This extraordinary guy is born from the awesome imagination of Dave Foreman. Matteo is made from Bionicle LEGO pieces and is packed full of detail. I can imagine Matteo skulking the streets of Victorian London late at night, hiding in the shadows as he makes his way to deliver a potion. He carries a gas lamp and a messenger bag - which contains books, a magnifying glass, medicine bottle and syringe. His cane is topped with a red spider eating a snake and he wears a bat pendant and pocket watch. Matteo's cape and hat make me think he's quite the gentleman . I wonder what the keys on his belt are keeping locked away...?

Bionicle MOC: Matteo 4.0
Bionicle MOC: Matteo 4.0
Bionicle MOC: Matteo 4.0

It's Only Forever, Not Long At All

I always believed that my hero David Bowie would live forever and ever. I was devastated when I heard the news in January that he'd passed away. Luckily, LEGO does last forever and thanks to Centuri he lives on in the form of Jareth the Goblin King. Labryinth is one of my all time favourite films and this build brings Jareth to life. I love the fact that if you look closely, you can see a minifig head used for the skull on Jareth's shoulder piece and chest lids for his boots. Now, what kind of magic spell to use....?

Jareth the Goblin King

If You Can't Play Nice, Play Derby

Well this MOC by Julie vanderMeulen makes me wanna lace up my skates and get on the track! These 1:1 scale Riedell R3's use a combination of standard LEGO bricks and Bionicle pieces. Roller derby players agonise over sourcing the right components and settings for their skates, and Julie looks like she's done just the same for this pair, which are kitted out in her Hammer City Roller Girls colours. Unsurprisingly one of the most important elements of the skates are the wheels, and players use a combination of durometers to optimise performance - this can be seen with the use of different colour wheels on this build.

You can see me in action in my Riedell She Devils in the bottom pic. Keep calm and skate left!

1:1 Lego Roller Skates

For Those About to Rock....

I salute you sebastian bachórzewski! This guy's heading off on a highway to hell with his sweet new gee-tar 'cos London's calling! I love the use of the neon LEGO pieces to create the lights in this scene - I can just imagine them illuminating the guitars underneath. The sugar skull details on the punk rocker's top and the flame tattoo on his arm are awesome additions. I can picture this Insomnia's Guitar Heaven being down a side-alley where only the toughest of minifgs would dare to venture. There's probably a tattoo studio next door and a 'biker's bar' opposite blasting music from the juke box....

Insomnia's Guitar Heaven

Your Chariot Awaits

TheRoyalBrick has pulled together some pretty cool themes as a basis for this unique piece. The build incorporates a Pharoah from Ancient Egypt, a futuristic hoverboard and a Warg from Norse mythology. The hoverboard is dual powered - sourcing its energy from the neon pink crystals as well as the Warg's beastly strength. This is a really fun LEGO MoC and I reckon Doc and Marty could use something like this in their time travels!

Pharoh Driving A Pink Crystals & Warg Powered Hoverboard