Rockin' In Wonderland

Talk about eye catching. This musical scene from Alice in Wonderland is as much about the photography as it is the build. Julius von Brunk brings us this colorful and whimsical scene, showing Alice, Hatter, March Hare and the White Rabbit absolutely rocking. The shot was accomplished with the clever use of multicolor party spotlights, a great effect expertly done.

Rainbow in the Dark

There Is A House. Like No House On Earth....

....and it belongs to the Mad Hatter. This ridiculously insane creation is by Brick Blue Wren and is bursting with detail. From the chandelier to the Hatter's hats - there's even a collection of feathers, bows and hat boxes. The spiral staircase within the hat-shaped structure comes complete with a handrail built from LEGO levers and the knobs appear to be a pair of chocolate muffins! It gets curiouser and curiouser the more you look!

Hatters house interior

We're All Mad Here

I have to confess that even as big a Batman fan as I am, I've never heard of Jervis Tetch, AKA Mad Hatter. Builder Tim Lydy admits that he's "just outside of the main circle of arch-bat-foes". Since I'm not much of a comic reader, I can see why I've missed him, but now I think I need to go back and do a little catch-up, this guy's got some panache. Part of Tim's brilliant Forms of Gotham collection.

The Mad Hatter