The Batman

The centerpiece of Tim Lydy's Forms of Gotham collection, Bruce Wayne's alter ego, the crimefighting legend, Batman. Like the other figures in the collection, Bats stands on a base representative of his place in Gotham lore, namely where his fate was sealed, crime alley. This is where young Bruce witnessed the murder of his parents, and was changed forever.

The Batman
Cowl, Close Up

We're All Mad Here

I have to confess that even as big a Batman fan as I am, I've never heard of Jervis Tetch, AKA Mad Hatter. Builder Tim Lydy admits that he's "just outside of the main circle of arch-bat-foes". Since I'm not much of a comic reader, I can see why I've missed him, but now I think I need to go back and do a little catch-up, this guy's got some panache. Part of Tim's brilliant Forms of Gotham collection.

The Mad Hatter