Indonesian Chinatown

Builder KOSbrick and his LUG recently completed a large scale collaborative build celebrating Chinese New Year and Indonesia's rich Chinese heritage. He claims to be somewhat intimidated by the modular building standard, but as far as I'm concerned those fears are unfounded, because these buildings are gorgeous, and all based on actual structures. They connect together seamlessly yet each has it's own distinct personality. Check out more pics and the fascinating story behind these MOCs and the culture and buildings that inspired them on his blog.

Modular Building
Tea House
Medical Clinic & Pharmacy House
Residence House

The Elephant Building

Craftsmanship seems to be all but forgotten these days. When a new building goes up it's generally pretty boring, and in no time at all very dated and falling apart. We just don't build like we used to, with care and pride. Unless we're talking about LEGO buildings of course. Sure there's the usual police stations and houses, but occasionally we get spoiled by something like this absolutely wonderful structure by Sheo. It's not only gorgeous on the outside, it's fully decorated and furnished inside. Click through for more pictures from all it's excellent levels.

Elephant Building

Double Decker Avengers

This colossal MOC by OliveSeon is an impressive blend of actual LEGO sets and mad building skills. If you look closely you'll see modified versions of the Grand Emporium, Palace Theater, Pet Store and more. Plus of course the Helicarrier and a number of other vehicles. The Avengers Tower looks like it's build from no less than 10-12 official tower sets, this MOC was a serious investment.

Music Shop

It's been a long time since I've had a local music store. I've never had a lick of musical talent, but I've always loved to dabble with it, and occasionally I make something almost "musical". I imagine if this shop by builder Jme Wheeler had been in my home town I would have been there all the time. I really dig the two story design, with the classic showroom on the bottom floor and a fantastic recording studio above. This makes me want to break out my drum set and make some noise.

Music Teacher Townhouse

I am not a very musically gifted person and, despite many attempts to correct this, I will probably forever be that way. I do, however, appreciate some good tunes and the skill of those that perform it.

When it comes to LEGO bricks, I enjoy unique subject matter and zaberca's Music Teacher Townhouse fits the build (pun intended). The contrast between the brick on the front of this building along with the excellent use of flat white tiles for framing really make this creation for me and could easily be part of the LEGO modular town sets. Make sure to check out the details on the inside of the building as the musicians practice their instruments.

Lego Music Teacher's Town House - Collage

Corner Hardware Store

When I was a kid hardware stores were like this. Small, family owned and fun. We had a couple in my town and they were always fascinating to visit. Those days are gone for the most part, with small hardware stores replaced by the likes of Home Depot. I just can't imagine wandering aimlessly through this little shop looking for an anchor bolt and not being able to find a soul to help me.