
Is there anything more beautiful than a classic violin? The sculpted forms, purposeful and elegant, practical and purely aesthetic, all come together to make an item not only lovely to look at, but also wonderful to listen to. This brick version by builder ZetoVince combines a lot of clever building and parts to hit every note, and the final results are stunning.


Not To Toot My Own Horn

A very long time ago in junior high school I dabbled in the school band.  The tuba and the flute were my instruments but I got very familiar and friendly with the neighboring brass and reed sections.  Once I finished junior high, I never touched an instrument again and forgot most of what I learned.  I was lucky enough to catch these excellent MOCs in person earlier last May during Golden Week (Japan's version of Spring Break) while they were on display at Osaka University.  Needless to say but I was hit by a wave of childhood nostalgia.  Built by Japanese builder Ryo Arai (AKA -Grie- on Flickr), I was impressed by the attention to detail to all the rods and levers that connect the valves and also how smooth the curves are.  Curves aren't an easy thing to pull off with LEGO bricks, especially those that mimic their real life counterparts.  Be sure to take a look at all the other angles on his Flickr photostream.


Xylophone Of Terror

We all had one, but there's a dark secret to the child's xylophone (and all children's musical instruments). That secret is that no parent ever bought their child one of these! They're always from a friend without kids, an aunt or uncle without a clue or a neighbor with a grudge. And while we all thought we were making music what we were really making is parental aural trauma. But I do like this one by builder legoadam, mostly because it will only go "tack tack tack" and if you play too loud, it'll just fall apart.


Music Shop

It's been a long time since I've had a local music store. I've never had a lick of musical talent, but I've always loved to dabble with it, and occasionally I make something almost "musical". I imagine if this shop by builder Jme Wheeler had been in my home town I would have been there all the time. I really dig the two story design, with the classic showroom on the bottom floor and a fantastic recording studio above. This makes me want to break out my drum set and make some noise.