Everyone's First Instrument

Like Silly String, Squand, play drums and trampolines, some gifts for our children have a secret, prepackaged ingredient, regret. Remembering this toy from my childhood I didn't hesitate to get one for my first child, it was mere hours later I felt an overwhelming desire to call and apologize to my parents for what must have been weeks of torture when I was 4. But I'm sure many gifted musicians out there can trace their skill and passion all the way back to this brilliantly recreated gem by builder Pistash.


Xylophone Of Terror

We all had one, but there's a dark secret to the child's xylophone (and all children's musical instruments). That secret is that no parent ever bought their child one of these! They're always from a friend without kids, an aunt or uncle without a clue or a neighbor with a grudge. And while we all thought we were making music what we were really making is parental aural trauma. But I do like this one by builder legoadam, mostly because it will only go "tack tack tack" and if you play too loud, it'll just fall apart.
