But Where's the Ninja?

The Classic Castle Contest is currently under way, and I'm loving it. Every couple days, there are several absolute gems that pop up in my feed. This peaceful Oriental bridge scene by 'LL' is one of my favorites so far. The bridge perfectly evokes classic Eastern architecture, and very cleverly uses the old rope bridge pieces for the arch. But what I like best about this build are those trees. The grey trunks compliment the fall leaves very nicely, and the addition of some roots really makes them look accurate.

Eastern bridge

The Grand Budapest Hotel

I finally got a chance to watch Wes Anderson's latest cinematic achievement The Grand Budapest Hotel just a few days ago, and I loved it. And now Ryan Ziegelbauer, Gary McIntire and a team of top notch builders have created a masterpiece of their own inspired by the movie. I give you the LEGO Grand Budapest Hotel, and it's awesome!

Feel The Power

There's a distinct beauty to simple, real-world structures. Not a classic architectural beauty, usually not aesthetic beauty, but more of a rugged utilitarian beauty of form following function. This small power station and office by LegoJalex is just sort a structure. No apologies, no flash, no grandeur, just built for purpose. Yet, it's got just enough panache, just enough style to make it simply appealing.

Small Power Plant and Office
Small Power Plant and Office

Ancient Amphitheater

This very large and beautiful MOC of an ancient amphitheater is from Hardegon. I don't know the details of the build, there's no description, but I can only guess at how long this took to build. The stands are a little barren, apparently whatever show is running now isn't drawing much of a crowd. But I can only imagine the crowd that will surround this MOC if it ever goes on display. Click through for many more pictures.


When Minotaurs Attack...Tonight At 11

There's no description for this, nor is the name of the image particularly helpful, but it's a pretty stunning build. There's loads of detail on this MOC, everywhere you look. And some really cool and subtle (and not so subtle) architecture techniques. Click through to check out the larger image, it's worth it.