Robots, Robots, Robots: An Interview with Josephine Monterosso

Robots, Robots, Robots: An Interview with Josephine Monterosso

BrickNerd's own Andreas Lenander speaks with Josephine Monterosso about robots, robots, and more robots. They delve deep into the parts, connections, and inspiration that make her creations come alive. In a good way, of course, not like those Terminators or Cylons.

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Because These Balls Aren't Going To Move Themselves

I’ve always been fascinated by great ball contraptions, or GBCs. They’re wonderfully complex design to do a wonderfully useless action tickles my Rube Goldberg fancy. Builder and mechanical evil genius (ok, not so evil) JK Brickworks has crafted his very first GBC, and of course it’s a wonder to behold. Watch the video to see it in action.

Lego Dynamics

Technology is advancing at an astonishing pace in this day and age, and it is always fascinating to see the great leaps made by some of the technological startups around the world. Boston Dynamics is one of the leading companies working on robotics and the work that they have done over the years is absolutely mind-boggling, from robots that can handle boxes to robots that can do flips! FIDO, the mechanical pet by _CZQ_ is heavily inspired by Boston Dynamics robot SPOT yet retains its own independence with some wonderful little details and greebling. This is truly a man’s, or a robot’s, best friend.


A wise man once said: “There's a reason you separate the military and the police. One fights the enemy of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.” But I say: “Sometimes people act like idiots!” That’s why we need police support units like this bad-boy, the KA-8 by Red Spacecat. Throwing rocks, burning tires; it’s simply ridiculous for our officers in blue to have to deal with things like that. It’s not their fault someone forgot the honey barbecue sauce with the McNuggets.

A Host Of Robots

What does one call a collection of robots? A gaggle? A flock? I’m going to propose the official word to represent a mechanical gathering, a “tinker” (make this happen, I’m counting on you all). Builder Rogue Bantha has assembled quite a collection of robots here, and has invited us all to pick our favorite. This is really no small feat, and despite staring far too long at this image I’m afraid I’m not up to the task. I cannot pick just one, so I’ve decided not to, you can’t make me (remember this day when our robot overlords come, when I was inclusive and did not play favorites).

Voltron: Defender of the Universe!

Voltron: Defender of the Universe!

So, I bought Voltron!  My son and I put him together the other night.  Took us about three hours; we both built an arm and a leg, then I 'supervised' the Black lion.  I've been driving my wife crazy referring to him by some of his lesser known titles, like Voltron: Defender of the Coffee Machine, and Voltron: Defender of the Dining Room Table.  You get the idea...

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Tale As Old As Time

Builder M<0><0>DSWIM imagines the classic tale of Beauty and the Beast with a little less romance and a lot more machine oil. Meet Belle and the Beast, two mobile suits that are turning this story on it's head. I do have to wonder how it might be possible for beast to imprison her in his castle, I think she'd just kick his ass. 

Robot Saints

All you need for a religion is an idea and a bunch of people to agree that's a pretty good idea. Who's to say we can't worship a robot deity? And if we did, why not recognize some robots as saints? That seems to be the inspiration behind this collaboration between DjoksonKingmarshyLord-OblivionAnthony (The Secret Walrus) WilsonThe Chosen One and Disty

Dinosaur Mecha

Let's face it, dinosaurs are cool and fascinating, but also big and terrifying. I don't think we'd be at the top of the food chain had they not been wiped out. But we can sorta bring them back, in mechanical form, and they'd be just as big and scary. Like this brilliant robotic beast by nobu_tary, all pistons and servos, all stompy and bitey. Just hopefully completely under control, or it's back to hiding in holes for us.

Dinosaur Mecha

Iron Gigas

The first word that springs to mind when I look at this stout mech by builder Moko is "beefy". Just look at this thing, that's some seriously armored, bipedal firepower right there. I also really like the action shot of the pilot ascending or descending, with a simple rope and winch, very practical. But I especially love the half stripped down shot, showing that this thing is just as badass under the armor.

Iron Gigas
Iron Gigas
Iron Gigas

Keko Pops!

Hey kids! You want to start your day off right, right? You can't just run off to the factory or place of labor without getting properly fueled up. Those jobs are important, and too difficult or dangerous for humans so they're relying on YOU! Start your day with a balanced breakfast of Keko Pops! All the energy you need to be productive and dependable, and a free torque wrench in every box!

Robot Breakfast

Coyote Tango

I remember when I was discovering that I was not alone in my adult LEGO fandom one of the first creations that sorta blew my mind was an elaborate mech. I'm sure if I want back and found that exact model it would be pretty tame by today's standards, but it was still my first "wait, that's LEGO?" moment. I'm sure if I had seen this stunning mech by LEGO 7 I would have just kept scrolling, because it wouldn't have even registered as brick built from a thumbnail.