Keko Pops!

Hey kids! You want to start your day off right, right? You can't just run off to the factory or place of labor without getting properly fueled up. Those jobs are important, and too difficult or dangerous for humans so they're relying on YOU! Start your day with a balanced breakfast of Keko Pops! All the energy you need to be productive and dependable, and a free torque wrench in every box!

Robot Breakfast

This Was The Droid We Were All Looking For!

Lego Megastar Peter Reid has once again come up with a startling mini model. I vaguely remember the Tomy Omnibot from my childhood and this rendition is amazing. Making it look like what I assume is the original advertising finishes the piece nicely. This was built for New Elementary's Nexo-Classic Space Challenge. Its a little worrying that there is a chance of electric shock to children under 6, however I suppose thats the price we pay for having the future now!


Painted On The Sprue

I've made no secret of my affection for Pete Reid and Yvonne Doyle. They were my best friends during my time in London. It is truly an honor to have yourself immortalized as a Minifig, and I consider it an honor to know them. This little tribute to classic plastic model building is perfect, and what I've come to expect from one of the best builders in the world.

We are minifigs

Your Chance To Meet Exo Suit Designer Peter Reid

Hey UK readers, listen up. Whatever you were planning to do Saturday the 26th, cancel it. The place you want to be is the LEGO Store Bluewater from 12-4pm. Exo Suit designer and LEGO artist Peter Reid is going to be there signing sets and answering questions. Not only do you get early access to the Exo Suit and get to meet Pete, you can score one of these sets of exceptionally exclusive collector cards. Now would someone please perfect transporter technology so I can zip over there and still be back in time for my Panel at SDCC?

Exo-Suit Collectible Cards - the 5 regular cards

Big thanks to bluemoose for sharing these pics