Things might have gone differently in so many situations if R2-D2 had his own mech like this one from M<0><0>DSWIM. Tuskin Raiders? No Problem. Fell in a swamp? No problem. Stormtroopers? No Problem. Battle of Yavin? Ok, fitting him in the back of an X-Wing might have been a small problem, but I'm guessing this baby has flight capabilities, so no problem!

Bustin' Ghosts, Mecha Style

I can't help but think the movie Ghostbusters would have been entirely different if the boys in gray were equipped with these babies. Builder chubbybots imagines Ghostbusting via mech, and the results are captivating. This is Ecto 4, 5 and 6, each equipped we assume with an unlicensed nuclear accelerator. Staypuft wouldn't have stood a chance against these.


Spacing Bad

It would appear meth is a problem across the galaxy, as evidenced by this intergalactic meth lab. Builder madLEGOman has mashed up space and Breaking Bad for a fun (well, as "fun" as a meth lab in a RV ever gets) MOC that I think would make a compelling series on it's own. Just think how cool it would be for them to be on the run from an alien drug cartel.


Middle Earth Mech

This MOC by Silent Builder certainly would have made the battle of the Chamber of Mazarbul a little more interesting. They have a cave troll eh? Well, we have Gimli in his exosuit! I don't know how this thing is powered, but I would love to see it in action. Makes me wonder how a whole alternate Tolkien universe would look with this tech...hmmmmm.

Gimli's exosuit moc
Gimli's exosuit moc


Holy mashup! To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Ghostbusters, as well as the upcoming national Ghostbusters day (no really, it's Aug 28) builder ninbendo has created a transforming Ecto-1. This is some seriously ingenious engineering. In it's car mode, it is hardly detectable that there's anything different than the standard model. The giant ghost trap and PKE meter is pretty awesome too.

LEGO mechto-1
LEGO mechto-1
LEGO mechto-1
LEGO mechto-1