Spacing Bad

It would appear meth is a problem across the galaxy, as evidenced by this intergalactic meth lab. Builder madLEGOman has mashed up space and Breaking Bad for a fun (well, as "fun" as a meth lab in a RV ever gets) MOC that I think would make a compelling series on it's own. Just think how cool it would be for them to be on the run from an alien drug cartel.


Breaking Bad

I'm probably going to get grief for this, but I've never watched Breaking Bad. I mean I've seen some of it, when I was in the room with others watching, but I've never been a viewer. That doesn't mean I don't know what it's about and can't appreciate this brilliant MOC by Disco86. This thing is at once super clean and ridiculously detailed. I don't know the particulars of this machinery, but I believe it works.
