Yabba Dabba Doo!

It’s been well established just how old I am, so it should come as no surprise that we watched The Flintstones as kids. Not that it’s that big of a deal, but I mean we managed to watch it back in the days when there was no home video, no internet and only three friggin’ channels. With that kind of narrow distribution it’s amazing any cartoons were available at all, and that’s what made Saturday morning so great, it was ALL about cartoons and kids programming. And The Flintstones was great because it was written for an adult audience, modeled after The Honeymooners, and kids aren’t dumb, so we ate it up. So it’s with great fondness I present to you builder SuckMyBrick’s latest creation, the star of the Flintstones, Fred.

I’ve Seen This One it Doesn’t Turn Out Well for the Coyote

The Road Runner and Coyote, two of the classic cartoon foils. Chris Goddard has succeeded where Wile E. never did, by capturing the Road Runner in brick form. Also Wile E Coyote, and a back drop straight out of a classic Merry Melodies short. The classic elements are there: the Road Runner about to set off something the Coyote attempted earlier and failed, the Coyote’s later over complicated attempted to snag the Road Runner, a fantastic American Southwest backdrop, and the Road Runner’s knowing look to the audience just before the Coyote, with his bulging eyes gets his comeuppance. The only thing missing is the painted tunnel that turns into a real tunnel later, but that would likely crowd the scene.

Yabba Dabba Do!

Micro builds like this make me so happy. With just a handful of parts builder Everblack not only built an instantly recognizable scene, he transported me to any given Saturday morning of my childhood. Yes the Flintstones was originally created as a primetime show, with a decidedly adult audience in mind (it’s modeled after the Honeymooners after all) but when it’s good storytelling done with tongue firmly inserted in cheek, kids will watch too. And boy did we.


Eats Yer Spinach

Growing up in the 70's meant Saturday morning was king. When you only have 3-4 channels, there was pretty much never anything for kids on, until Saturday morning. From 5am to about 11am it was nothing but kid's stuff, and we were glued to the TV. Classic WB toons, Tom & Jerry, HR Pufnstuf, Land of the Lost, we couldn't get enough of it. Then the Saturday film festival would come on (please be Godzilla, please be Godzilla...) but before the movie it was usually Popeye cartoons. So when I see this brilliant character build of everyone's favorite spinach eating sailor, I'm 8 years old, wearing my Planet of the Apes pajamas and polishing off a box of frosted flakes. Thanks for a dose of nostalgia lummerlander.

Popeye the Sailor

Man I'm Pretty

Way back when Cartoon Network was pretty much on all the time at my house. Luckily for me and my wife back then the content was pretty good. The likes of Dexter's Lab and Samurai Jack kept us as entertained as our young boys. But one of my favorites was Johnny Bravo. The writing, editing and pacing of that show worked so well. This character build by Cha Mi captures his swagger in perfect style.

Johnny Bravo

Hey Arnold!

Hey Arnold never got much traction in this house. I remember it being on from time to time, but it always seemed to be because we had finished watching something else, like Samurai Jack Or Rug Rats, and had just no bothered to turn off the TV when we settled down with a Tamagotchi or some other distraction. That doesn't mean I didn't recognize this fantastic build of the title character by Julius von Brunk instantly, it's pretty much perfect.

Hey Arnold!

The Lich

Hey, it's Sweet Pig Trunks, I mean the Lich! Builder Tim Lydy shows off another character of his brilliant collection of Adventure Time MOCs. They were originally created for Blocks Magazine but will be on display at BrickWorld Chicago so you can see them in person. Just be careful of the Well of Power, I understand it's full of toxic waste...and despair.

The Lich
Finn vs The Lich

Finn & Jake

Not that long ago in our house you could depend on a familiar theme song in the background and at a key moment a boisterous "Adventure Time!" from both the TV and one or both of my boys. They were big fans, and while I never really watched the show, I heard plenty of it over the speakers of our old minivan as the boys watched the DVD in the back seats. Builder Tim Lydy brings us a fanciful scene with Finn riding an enlarged and very long legged Jake. Cartoon logic at it's very best.

Finn & Jake

Samurai Jack & Aku

Long about 2001, when Samurai Jack premiered, I had a son who was the perfect age for Cartoon Network and a boy about to be born (and both had a dad who never grew up), so CN was on at our house all the time. The animation style and production quality of Samurai Jack always made it a favorite, and if it was on we were watching. So this marvelous pair of busts of Jack and Aku by builder chris office instantly caught my eye, and a follow on Flickr.

Samurai Jack & AKU

A Tale Of Two Droopys

He's a Tex Avery classic, Droopy. Everyone's favorite slow talking, perpetually downtrodden dog. In a little bit of friendly rivalry builders J.B.F and 74louloute have both taken a crack at him, and the results are brilliant. While I prefer J.B.F's Droopy, the addition of the Big Bad Wolf and Red Hot Riding Hood certainly make 74louloute's pretty awesome too.

Droopy & The Wolf

The Mean Machine

Builder redfern1950s has done it, he's completed the greatest lineup of auto racing ever assembled, the cars and drivers of Wacky Races. The last to be added, and hardest to build, was the Mean Machine. Sure they're the 'villains", and of course they're up to no good, but they were always good TV, and Mutley was one of my favorites (I still laugh like him from time to time, just cuz). Dick Dastardly wasn't all bad though, maybe. He just wanted to win races, and was willing to go to great means to do it. Congrats on completing the series, it was a pleasure watching them all come together.

Wacky Races " The Mean Machine "
Wacky Races " The Mean Machine "

The Compact Pussycat

Builder redfern1950s' quest to complete all of the Wacky Racers is nearly complete. I will confess Penelope Pitstop was never a favorite of mine, far too girly for me. Her classic "southern bell" ways and beauty supplied car gizmos were just irritating to 7 year old me. And of course she's the one that got her own spinoff cartoon, I would have much rather watched the antics of the gruesome twosome.

Wacky Races " The Compact Pussycat "


There were many cartoons playing in my house not so long ago. Luckily both my boys were young during a bit of a resurgence in cartoon production. The likes of Spongebob, RugRats, Ed Edd & Eddy and many more were new shows. One of my favorites to watch with them was Dexter's Laboratory. It had great writing, funny scenarios and excellent animation. This MOC of the title character by builder GolPlaysWithLego was a nice little dose of nostalgia this morning.


The Turbo Terrific

Perhaps no other car in Wacky Races history has suffered as much as The Turbo Terrific. It was pretty much destroyed in every episode, it was a running gag, and you could always depend on it being pretty spectacular. Although in overall standings driver Peter Perfect actually won four times, all I remember is his car falling to pieces, a lot. Perhaps this LEGO version by redfern1950s will stay together.

Wacky Races " The Turbo Terrific "

The Arkansas Chuggabug

Builder redfern1950s is back with another addition to his Wacky Racers project. This time it's the roarin' rednecks Lazy Luke and Blubber Bear in the Arkansas Chugabug. You wouldn't think an old fashioned wood burning stove would be an optimal power plant for a race car, and you'd be right. That thing blew up in practically every race.

Wacky Races " The Arkansas Chuggabug "

The Bullet-Proof Bomb

Builder redfern1950s continues his quest to build all the vehicles from Wacky Races. This one is another childhood favorite of mine, the Bullet-Proof Bomb, AKA The Roaring Plenty. It was driven by the Ant Hill Mob, seven inept but strangely lovable mobsters. One of their secret tactics was the ability to lift the car and simply run across the finish line (I'm pretty sure they stole that trick from Fred Flintstone).

Wacky Races " The Ant Hill Mob "

The Covert-A-Car

Builder redfern1950s continues his race to win the internet with his Wacky Races MOCs. This time it's The Convert-A-Car, by far the "wackiest" of the bunch. It's a truly insane contraption that is part boat, plane and car. And while this is personally my least favorite of the vehicles, that judgement is at odds with the fact he has by far the best name, Professor Pat Pending.

Wacky Races " The Convert-A-Car "

The Boulder Mobile

Builder redfern1950s is absolutely killing it with these awesome Wacky Races cars. This one is the Boulder Mobile, driven by the Slag brothers, Rock & Gravel. I always thought they looked an awful lot like Captain Caveman, still do. I mean, add a cape and you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference, except you can see the Cap's eyes. But I have to assume they have eyes under all that hair, they're driving a car after all...I digress...

Wacky Races " The boulder mobile "

Crimson Haybailer

Wacky Races was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid. There was something always very satisfying and entertaining about watching the antics of all the unlikely racers as they raced for...wait a second, what were they racing for? Anyway, I love this rendition of Red Max and the Crimson Haybailer by builder redfern1950s. He's also built the Army Surplus Special, so I'll assume they're all going to be built (or at least my favorite, the Creepy Coupe), and I highly encourage that.

Wacky Races " the crimson haybaler "
Wacky Races " the crimson haybaler "
Wacky Races " the crimson haybaler "