Antique Style

You know a good signal you're getting old? When furniture and artifacts of your youth start being described as antique (also, when songs from high school are being played on the "oldies" station). I almost scrolled right past this retro interior build by Heksu. I just thought it was a picture of someone's living room from the thumbnail. One of my favorite mistakes to make.

Antique Style

Mmmmmm, Pizza

I love pizza (who doesn't?) and I think if I lived near this little parlor I'd be there all the time. With it's charming awnings and retro giant food sign, it's just inviting. Steebles is becoming one of my favorite builders. Not just for the skill and cleverness of his design and execution, but because of the subject matter. His MOCs do more than catch the eye, they stir up emotion...and hunger.