Batcave Brilliance Comes to Light
/Batman caves in LEGO are pretty popular, but what do you get when everything shines under blacklight? Check out this whimsical Batcave by Kloou to find out.
Read MoreBatman caves in LEGO are pretty popular, but what do you get when everything shines under blacklight? Check out this whimsical Batcave by Kloou to find out.
Read MoreMy old pal Thorsten Bonsch has kicked off a new series of Gothic Batman scenes with this rendition of Bruce and Dick's tony changing area in the Batcave. Note the highly ornate cabinets for their costumes, and even a candelabra on the table. All this surrounded by the rugged stalactites and stalagmites of the mysterious underground lair. And there's Robin, in his tighty-whities... What a scene!
Batman Movie mania is in full swing (we've got the bug too, obviously) and Batman MOCs are everywhere. As if a cool Batman maxi fig wasn't impressive enough, Norton74 went and put a awesome little Batcave surprise inside his. Open his chest and there's Batman and Robin, ready for some crimefighting action.
There's never a shortage of LEGO Batman on Flicr, so it takes some clever building or a hook to stand out. This MOC by gan.marco is a pretty sweet chibi style Batman, on a cool base with the bat's iconic symbol prominently displayed. But what makes this MOC stand out is the super secret miniature Batcave hidden in the base. Turn it around to reveal the teeniest, tiniest, cutest Tumbler you ever did see.
This MOC is Bruce Wayne levels of commitment! Check out this truly epic Batcave from builder 莫古 (Chak hei Mok). The scale is impressive of course, and the level of detail is stunning, from the multiple bat-vehicles, to the choice of suits and the tiered construction to the complex geology, it's a feast for the eyes. But what I really love is the attention to detail in the lighting. It's all scale lit and looks absolutely cinematic.
Vigilante justice is not a modern concept, therefore Batman is pretty timeless. This MOC by guzik LDZ puts Batman back in the 40's or 50's judging by the tech, but he still looks like a total badass. Proof that you don't need computer chips, LCD screens and cell service to dish out a little bit of punishment on the bad guys (but it still helps to be super rich).
That's right Batfans, we're building the LEGO Batman Classic TV Series Batcave live! Building starts at 8am PST. Join me, Mrs BrickNerd and later James Morr as we fight crime and bat-build!
Same bat-time, same bat-channel!
That's right bat-fans, we're building LEGO 76052 Classic TV Series Batcave tomorrow morning starting at 8am PST!
So grab your cowl, strap on your bat-utility belt and we'll see you tomorrow, same bat-time, same bat-channel!
Ever wonder why Batman is so grumpy this time of year? Happy holidays from BrickNerd!
I've spent SO much time over the last couple years engrossed in the world of Gotham and Batman, so much so I'm frankly a bit burned out. But this wonderful microscale Batman set got me instantly excited, so there's still some hope for me. I LOVE this, all the tiny details, all the figures, all the vehicles and play features, it's awesome. I generally try to avoid posting LEGO Ideas stuff, but I would love to see this actually made. Head over to LEGO Ideas to support.
Scale lighting is a crucial component for a properly displayed and lit large model. Especially an interior and even more so when it's cinematically inspired. This Batcave by Brent Waller is a fantastic example of scale lighting, with super dramatic results. Notice how a sense of depth and scale is accomplished by using numerous small sources of light and how there's a good balance of darkness in the image ( Batman would approve). Sometime what you don't light is just as important as what you do.
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