Holy Fruit-of-the-Loom, Batman!

My old pal Thorsten Bonsch has kicked off a new series of Gothic Batman scenes with this rendition of Bruce and Dick's tony changing area in the Batcave.  Note the highly ornate cabinets for their costumes, and even a candelabra on the table.  All this surrounded by the rugged stalactites and stalagmites of the mysterious underground lair.  And there's Robin, in his tighty-whities...  What a scene!

The Batcave – 1. Costume Displays

The Batcave – 1. Costume Displays

Citadel Of The Loud Curse

I love when I can spot a builder from their MOC. A builder that has so much personal style that their work is instantly recognizable. Yes the MOCs from mihaimariusmihu tend to be on the darker side, perhaps even grotesque, but they are undeniably his and irrefutably stunning. This one is at once beautiful and disturbing, sinister and compelling.

Citadel of the Loud Curse