The "AT" Stands For All Terrain

Whether it's the classic AT-AT or the newer AT-ACT, or the other Imperial walking vehicles, the AT stands for All Terrain, and they mean in. We've seen these things walk through everything from snow to forest to tropical paradise, and keep those pesky rebels on their toes. These positively adorable micro scale walkers from builder Grantmasters show just how versatile these machines really are.

Enemy at the Gate
We Will Fight Them on the Beaches


They're huge, they're menacing and they're armored...not to mention they walk! They're Imperial Walkers, and you really don't want to see them advancing on you. This is the AT-ACT, a cargo hauling variation seen for the first time in Rogue One. And while their primary function is to move things from one place to another, they can certainly hold their own in battle. This version by Forgotten Days looks like it's ready for some stompy stompy pew pew action.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - AT-ACT