
It always amazes me how being a fan of LEGO and those that build with it opens doors on other aspects of life and art. I've never heard of the book series Tunnels, but after seeing this gigantic MOC by builder CheesyStudios I am curious. The books tell the story about the struggle against a subterranean enemy, and as you can see, the story literally goes very deep. If you're attending BrickWorld Chicago this year you'll get to see this in person. Click through for more pics.


Review: The LEGO Batman Movie - The Making Of The Movie

Review: The LEGO Batman Movie - The Making Of The Movie

We've all seen it, The LEGO Batman Movie, but how much do you know about how it was made? Well luckily those fine folks at DK have published a book that goes pretty deep into the process, and gives a behind the scenes peek into the massive undertaking it was. From the script to the screen, and everywhere in between, you'll get to see the inner workings and many, many steps it takes to go from concept to the theater.So grab some lobster thermidor, put on your best smoking jacket and settle in for a good read.

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No Starch Humble Bundle

Those fine folks at Humble Bundle and No Starch Press are having "pay what you want" sale and you can score some amazing deals on ebook versions of a load of LEGO inspired titles. Check out this lineup!

Pay any amount to receive ebooks of:
Beautiful LEGO
The LEGO Adventure Book, Vol. 1
Medieval LEGO
The LEGO Build-It Book, Vol. 1

Pay more than $8 to receive all of the above, plus:
The Cult of LEGO
Incredible LEGO Technic
The LEGO Build-It Book, Vol. 2
Forbidden LEGO
LEGO Space
The LEGO Technic Idea Book: Fantastic Contraptions

Pay more than $15 to receive all of the above, plus:
The LEGO Architect
The LEGO Christmas Ornaments Book
The LEGO Neighborhood Book
The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book
The LEGO Power Functions Idea Book, Vol. 1
Steampunk LEGO

It's $323 in books that you can have for as little as $15, and it supports charity! What are you waiting for? The sale ends Nov 23rd so get going! 

Captain Underpants

There were a number of book series my boys got into. We were captivated by a Series of Unfortunate Events, creeped out by Goosebumps and entertained by Harry Potter. But a stand out series has to be Captain Underpants, just for it's unabashed embracing of the absolutely silly. The MOC by builder Deus "Big D." Otiosus embraces that spirit as well.

Captain underpants


I vividly remember the first time Discworld was described to me. "There's this world, more like a couple continents and a small ocean, and it's flat. And that's being held up by four ginormous elephants, seriously huge. And that in turn sits on the back of a even more ginormouser sea turtle...in space." I can't say I can really wrap my head around it, but this MOC by Fa Brique helps.

Great A'Tuin
Great A'Tuin

Review - Small Scenes From A Big Galaxy

Review - Small Scenes From A Big Galaxy

I get a kick out of all LEGO inspired books. It's a product and company I love. I also find just about anything Star Wars endearing (except maybe those stupid coffee creamers, what the heck?) So when you combine the two, you have my attention. Now add in the fact that this is the product of the imagination and creativity of an AFOL and fan, well this is a perfect storm of LEGO, Star Wars, imagination, creativity, photography and fandom, I'm smitten.

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Review - LEGO Awesome Ideas

Review - LEGO Awesome Ideas

Publishing powerhouse DK is no stranger to LEGO fans. Every year we can expect numerous publications from them, and this year is no exception. Especially with the holidays upon us it seems everywhere I go I'm spotting DK LEGO books on the shelves (yesterday at Michael's for instance). As the years have passed one thing has changed the way I look at these books, the talented writers and artists that provide the content in them have become familiar, even friends.

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Review - Beautiful LEGO Wild!

Review - Beautiful LEGO Wild!

Artist, author, designer and builder Mike Doyle is back with another Beautiful LEGO book. Nature and animals are the focus in this third book of the excellent series. Mike has built some splendid creations, and curated MOCs from all around the world and from builders from all walks of life. All put together in a lovely presentation by No Starch Press. It's LEGO eye candy of the highest order, in a quality book that would look great on any coffee table.

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Review - The LEGO Adventure Book - Volume 3

Review - The LEGO Adventure Book - Volume 3

Megs and Brickbot are back for more building adventures in The LEGO Adventure Book volume 3, the latest of this quirky and fun series from No Starch Press. I'm so happy for my friend and author Megan Rothrock for getting to do what she loves, and when you read one of these books you can sense that love. She brings together a unique combination of top notch builders from around the globe, building instructions for awesome models and fun story telling that appeals to all ages. All presented in a comic-book like narrative featuring caricatures of the builders and a host of other characters. 

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Where The Wild Things Are

I read it as a kid, and I read it to my kids as an adult. It's Maurice Sendak's classic book Where The Wild Things Are. It's got a unique look that's instantly recognizable, and has been captured perfectly in this MOC by Max Pointner. There's also some clever part use here, like the croc tails on the tree, genius.

Where The Wild Things Are Main 2

No Starch

No Starch Press should be very familiar with regular readers, they've put out some of the most awesome LEGO related titles in recent years. Well, right now they're running a crazy e-book promotion and charity benefit where you pay what you want for a collection of books! And it's not just any books, there's some top-shlef LEGO books in there, like The LEGO Adventure book and LEGO Space. Here's the trick though, you pay $15 or more not only do you get the whole collection, you also score some additional books including Steampunk LEGO! What the heck are you waiting for? The clock is ticking!!!

Review - Steampunk LEGO

Review - Steampunk LEGO

Steampunk is one of those things that's easy to appreciate but difficult to describe. You can look at a costume, a prop or MOC and say "oh, that's steampunk", but you may struggle to explain why. Sure you can throw some brown and brass together, and add a gear or two and call it steampunk, but you may find others do not agree. At it's core, steampunk is a reimagining of technology and lifestyles from the mid to late 19th century. Juxtaposing modern advances with a Victorian aesthetic. When it's done right it's magical, and you find yourself transported back in time. Guy Himber, the author of this book, does it right. 

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Save 40% Off LEGO Books At No Starch

If you want LEGOcentric publications, No Starch Press is the place to go. They have produced a great many fantastic titles in recent years, some of which I've reviewed right here on BrickNerd. Well now until Sunday Nov 23 you can save 40% on these awesome books with the code CLUTCH. Get over there and get yours before they're gone!


Review - Brick Flicks

Review - Brick Flicks

My love of movies is well known, and you're reading this on a LEGO fan site so my love of the bricks is also pretty obvious. So when something comes along that combines the two you've got my attention.

Enter Brick Films, a book by Warren Elsemore. It promises 60 iconic movie scenes and posters to make from LEGO. Barron's was kind enough to send me a review copy, and I'm happy to share my thoughts about it.

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Review - The LEGO Neighborhood Book

Review - The LEGO Neighborhood Book

When LEGO introduced the Cafe Corner back in 2007 I had a feeling they were on to something big. Of course the set was amazing, but because of the modular construction of not only the levels of the building, but also the standard for adjoining buildings, the set offered promise. Promise of not only future sets, but also the promise of the building community bringing their own neighborhoods to life.

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This is so freakin' adorable. From builder eldeeem comes the iconic Owly from the book series by Andy Runton. The pose, shapes and spirit of this MOC captures Owly perfectly, you just want to pick him up and hug him.
